Registration Status:

Thank you for subscribing to The Jim Edwards Method Premium with Easy Online Wizards. Please scroll down this page to login and access Easy Online Wizards.
Check your email for an email message from Jim Ewards([email protected]) with the subject line: "Congrats You Are Registered!"
That email message contains your username and password.
Please NOTE: Your email address is also your username.
You will need to enter the information from that message when you log in to download and register the software.
Note: If you have bought software or training from, please use the same username and password in the login form to access your purchases.
No subscription to The Jim Edwards Method Premium? You are missing out on access to 13 of Jim's downloadable wizards, over a decade of training, new live trainings every month, all the wizards in Easy Online Wizards, the DIY Media Marketing Academy, True Life Success Lessons, and more!
See how you can join for one low monthly price!
*Does not include Funnel Scripts. May not include future wizards created with partners.

** Here is a screenshot of what the message looks like. **

NOTE: Enter the username and password you get from the email message into the log in fields on the page.