"Easy Tweet Wizard"

Create Killer Tweets In a Flash

So shockingly simple and powerful... now everyone can
quickly generate Tweets FAST!


  1. Fill in the blanks.
  2. Hit the button.
  3. Scan the results to brainstorm tweets.
  4. Pick 3-4 and use them over the course of the same day.
  5. ** Note: spot a tweet that gets you to click? Let us know and we'll figure out the formula in it and add it here 🙂

NOTE: This script is not avatar enabled. If you click on load projects and see a warning that you have no saved projects, please click here for the version of the script that is avatar enabled.

Access Avatar Enabled Easy Tweet Wizard

Example Projects

Click links to auto-load examples

Topic: Zombie Apocalypse (Keyword Tag: Zombies)
