Jim Edwards & Felicia Slattery Present "Your Million Dollar Presentation Decoded"...

BRAND NEW: Join Us LIVE On This FREE Workshop
To Create All The Building Blocks For Your Own
Million Dollar Speech, Webinar, or Teleseminar

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  • Thursday, 21st May
  • 1:00 p.m. Eastern (New York Time)
  • 12:00 noon Central
  • 10:00 a.m. Pacific


Time Left Until Webinar Starts...

You will leave this workshop with all the building blocks (43 of them!) for your own Million Dollar Speech, Webinar or Teleseminar identified, written down, and organized to create everything you need to present, promote, and profit, including:

  • Your customized Building Blocks Blueprint Worksheet completed and ready to go
  • Your detailed Blueprint for your own presentation, speech, webinar, or teleseminar.
  • Your customized promotional copy / opt in / registration page for your own presentations.
  • The complete Blueprint for your outrageously effective email promoting your event.
  • PLUS a demo of a way that will allow you to get all the building blocks of your presentation and promotional materials assembled into their finished products in 1/10th of the time!

Plus, Something Truly NEW & Unique!

On the registration confirmation page you'll be able to download the 19-page detailed "building blocks" handout that will guide you through the entire workshop.

This handout alone is worth every second you’ll join us for the webinar. After being there, you’ll think we were nuts to do this for free (but helping folks succeed is how we roll).

Plus—you will have the opportunity to be our live volunteer on the webinar. Register today and you’ll get details a couple of days before the webinar on how you can volunteer to have your business and speech showcased LIVE on this webinar.

>> Claim My Spot Now

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