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Attn: Existing Wizard Customers ONLY...

"Get My Newest Wizard for Over 80% OFF The Market Price With This Special BETA Offer ONLY For Existing Wizard Customers!" (That's YOU!)

Claim Your BETA Discount Now $497 - Just $87

Grab It Now Before The Price Goes Up Or
This Special BETA Offer Ends Completely

Takes less than 3-5 minutes to generate everything you need to find, approach, and persuade Experts in virtually any topic area to eagerly allow you to interview them so you can create content, podcasts, info-products, articles, webinars, teleseminars, bonuses, home-study courses, or blog content of any length you need and that you can use any way you want!

  • txt-picWorks on both PC and MAC
  • 13 Different Interview Types
  • Customized Audience Handouts
  • Full Interview Scripts for All 13 Interview Types
  • Quick Questions Format for All 13 Interview Types
  • Customized Ads to promote your interview on FB, Blogs, and more
  • Customized Promo Sales Copy for your website and Opt-in Videos
  • Promotional Email Teasers
  • docx-pic

    100+ PROVEN, Customized Interview Title Templates
  • Customized Stealth Closes to use in content marketing
  • Customized Expert Approach letter
  • Customized Referral request letters
  • Customized Interview Confirmation letter
  • Customized Interview Prep Letter
  • Customized Thank you letter
  • COMPLETE Customized POWERPOINT Slide Decks for EACH of the 13 Interview Types
  • pptx-picWorks for Podcasters
  • Works for Bloggers
  • Works for Infomarketers and Authors
  • Works for Publishers and Social Media Marketers
  • Works for "Blabbers" and Article Marketers
  • Works for Webinar and Teleseminar Hosts
  • Works for ANYONE who needs great content fast for any purpose!
Claim Your BETA Discount Now $497 - Just $87

Whether You Want To Do Interviews To Promote Your Book, or Create Content For Your Podcasts, Blabs, Blogs and Webinars, This Really Is The Easy Button For You!

Picture1Use this wizard to create customized interview scripts, questions, handouts, emails, and sales copy to make creating professional-level interview content an absolute breeze anyone can do!

  • Promote your book by having bloggers, blabbers, podcasters, list owners, and webinar hosts interview YOU as the expert...
  • Create unlimited podcast episodes and blog content in a flash in written, audio, and video formats…
  • Package other people's knowledge to sell yourself in ebooks, webinars, teleseminars, courses, and more…
  • Lets you pursue HOT markets without worrying about being the expert yourself…
  • Lets you set yourself up as an expert OR publisher with unlimited potential…
  • Network and get to know movers and shakers in your niche…
  • Add value to your existing products or affiliate offers with unique bonuses…
  • Create unlimited content you can use to drive traffic…
  • And Much, MUCH More!
Claim Your BETA Discount Now $497 - Just $87

ACT NOW And You Also Get LIVE Training...

Claim Your BETA Discount Now $497 - Just $87
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30 Day Money Back Guarantee!

If this software doesn’t help you to quickly create amazing interviews you can use to sell and promote your books, products, and more… if it doesn’t save you HOURS of time staring at a blank screen and getting your thoughts organized to create original, custom interviews… and if it doesn’t make interviewing experts for your blog, Blab, podcast, webinars, and teleseminars to create amazing, original content copy-and-paste simple, then we don’t want your money… we’ll give it all back – no questions asked – no hard feelings!

We know this software will do exactly what we promise and so much more that we’ll let you use it for 30 days – put it to the test – and if it isn’t everything we say it is and more, you’ll get a full and complete refund!

So you have nothing to lose and everything to gain for using content marketing to explode your business profits… no matter what business you’re in!

order-nowHere's the truth...

This is the most amazing and in-depth Wizard I've made to date!

It does more for you... eliminates every road block... and makes it 1-2-3 point-and-click simple to get amazing results with interviews.

Whether you're the expert promoting your book or product... or you're the host looking to do great interviews with experts for your blog, Blab, podcast, webinars, or teleseminars.


Claim Your BETA Discount Now $497 - Just $87

expert-blabberWhether you're the expert who wants to get interviewed so you can sell more books and products... or if you're the blogger, Blabber, podcaster, info-marketer, webinar host, or teleseminar host... this is THE TOOL that will change your life and make everything easier!

This is exactly what you want!


Jim Edwards

(757) 715-2157 Guaranteed Response Marketing, LLC
P.O. Box 547
Port Haywood, VA 23138

PS - There really is NOTHING else left to tell you.

This is a great piece of software at an insane price. We don't know how much longer we'll make this offer (and you'll blow the purchase price on a mediocre meal for two at some crappy chain restaurant... so stop reading this and click the buy button).

You haven't seen a no-brainer offer like this since free paint jobs and body work at the demolition derby!

Grab your copy of this amazing wizard right now... you'll be glad you did 🙂

Claim Your BETA Discount Now $497 - Just $87