Attn: Authors, Info-Marketers, Coaches, and Online Entrepreneurs...

"Discover How YOU Can Instantly Create All The Professional-Level, Custom Sales Copy You Need To Sell Anything You Want... Even If You Hate Selling and Don't Want to Know A Thing About Writing Sales Letters!" 

(How To Create Amazing Sales Letters, VSLs, Email Teasers and More To Sell
Any Product, Service, Information Or Coaching... In 30 Minutes Or Less!)

Claim Your Copy Now! - $497 Now $97
Claim Your Copy Now! - $497 Now $97

From The Desk Of: Jim Edwards
Re: The Big Problem With Your Sales Copy Writing Right Now

Dear Online Entrepreneur,

The following is a message for every online entrepreneur who needs to write great sales copy, but struggles to write the words that convert into sales.

Here's a huge problem you face right now.

It's figuring out how to get words down on paper (and on the screen) that make people spend money with you.

But that's not the end of the problem...

What makes this even worse is the fact that without great sales copy, you won't make any sales!

That means you're throwing your time and money away on advertising and promotions that will NEVER pay off (if you even get started at all).

And, worst of all, many Entrepreneurs can't get past the idea that writing great sales copy takes years of practice and is really hard to figure out (or it costs you an arm and a leg to hire a professional copywriter).

All this makes trying to figure out how to create amazing sales copy to sell your product, service, information, or coaching a nightmare!

But luckily for you, there's now a solution!

So, if you're an author, coach, info-preneur, or marketer who wants to sell more online and really needs to create great sales copy, but you can't seem to write the words that convert into sales, here's the answer you've been looking for...

Introducing The "Easy Sales Copy Wizard"
Done-For-You Software

"Easy Sales Copy Wizard" Helps You:

  • box-webAvoid struggling to write the sales letters, email teasers, VSLs and ads you desperately need...
  • STOP wasting time trying to write your sales copy from "scratch" or using outdated formulas...
  • Put an end to low-performance copy that doesn't convert into sales...
  • Save yourself from paying outrageous fees to professional copywriters (who actually aren't all that good)...
  • Avoid begging for sales online with weak, limp copy that doesn't sell...
  • Create custom sales copy that makes people pull out their wallets and spend money with you NOW...
  • Make creating custom sales copy to sell anything on your website, Amazon, eBay and other sites fun, easy, and profitable...
  • templatesSave thousands or even tens-of-thousands of dollars over hiring a professional copywriter...
  • Get great sales copy written FAST and stress free (Amaze yourself with your new ability to create money-making sales letters and sales copy whenver you want... to sell whatever you want)...
  • Get your hands on The Real Secret for creating amazing sales copy to sell any product, service, informaton or coaching...
  • See how you can easily create great sales copy fast (so you don't have to struggle to write the sales letters, email teasers, VSLs and ads you desperately need)...
  • See how you can quickly save a ton of time on your very first sales letter (and avoid wasting time trying to write your sales copy from "scratch")...
  • And, as a special bonus, you'll also see how to get all of your sales letters, video sales letters, email teasers, ads, blog and social media posts, tweets, headlines and even your affiliate JV toolbox done in less than 30 minutes!

... and much, MUCH More!

Now that's a tall promise and at this point you may be wondering...

Who Is Jim Edwards And Why Should I Listen To Him?

Jim Edwards is an expert in creating high-performing, highly profitable sales copy whose accomplishments include:


  • Graduate of The College of William and Mary
  • Self-taught, million-dollar copywriter

Work History:

  • Selling online since 1997
  • Sold tens-of-millions of dollars of software, coaching, ebooks and info-products in that time

Awards, Titles, and Designations:

  • Amazon Best Selling Author in both Fiction and Non-Fiction
  • #1 Affiliate for some of the largest product launches in Internet history

Personal Info:

  • jim-entrepreneurWritten 4 different sales letters that made at least 1 million dollars in sales EACH!
  • Written up in the New York Times
  • Featured in Entrepreneur Magazine
  • Spoken on 3 continents and the Caribbean
  • Has customers in over 100+ countries
  • Has trained tens-of-thousands of people to write great sales copy
  • Grandpa at age 39
  • Went from living in a trailer park to paid off house in 18 months
  • Ran in 2 half-marathons less than 12 months after being diagnosed with heart failure
  • Overcame bankruptcy and a failed business to personal financial freedom in less than 4 years, in large part to the ability to write sales copy that makes sales

So as you can see, Jim Edwards is uniquely qualified to help you understand everything you need to know about sales copy writing, especially if you're someone who needs to write great sales copy, but can't seem to figure out how to write words that convert into sales!

But Don't Just Take My Word For It, Take a Look At This...

Stew Smith, Author of 40+ Books, US Navy SEAL

“WOW! That is brilliant! I am very impressed. Not only for pure sales copy for my front page, but for the video sales letter all written out for you. You’re a genius!”

Stew Smith, Author of 40+ Books, US Navy SEAL
Craig Perrine, Professional Copywriter

“Jim, as a professional copywriter I can tell you this new wizard just helped me save hours of time putting together a brand new project… Not only will your new wizard help even total beginners write great copy fast, it’s now super easy to split test everything (and that’s where the real money is). So this wizard is even more awesome than I expected.”

Craig Perrine, Professional Copywriter
Jeff Herring, Professional Information Marketer, Co-Creator of the “Custom Content Wizard”

“This is one of the best wizards you’ve ever come up with! You added stuff like the JVToolbox and the VSLs I’ve never seen anywhere else. I look at this and cannot imagine ever creating an information product again without using this to market it… I will use this for the rest of my career as an information marketer!”

Jeff Herring, Professional Information Marketer, Co-Creator of the “Custom Content Wizard”

BUT... Here's The #1 Reason You Should Believe
This Software Works Like Gangbusters...


#1 Reason!

The best proof I can offer you that this wizard works is this sales letter and video sales letter (VSL) you're looking at right now.

Both the sales letter and the video sales letter script were created 100% using the "Easy Sales Copy Wizard" software!

Bottom line, if you like this sales copy... if this sales copy makes you want to buy the software... then obviously this software works!

And more importantly, it'll work for YOU too!

So Here's Exactly What You're Going To Get
With "Easy Sales Copy Wizard"

This Amazing "Easy Sales Copy Wizard" Software works on both PC & MAC to create your:

  • Complete, Customized Sales Letters to sell virtually anything to anyone
  • Complete Video Sales Letter Scripts, including PowerPoint slide decks
  • sticky-noteAbout Me page to promote yourself on your website or Amazon Author page
  • Facebook and Social Media Ads that convert
  • Blog Posts and Social Media Posts that sell
  • Promotional "Tweets" that get clicks
  • Email Teaser to announce to your list
  • Email Teaser for your affiliates to announce to their lists
  • Hundreds of headlines for Hot, Warm and Cold Traffic
  • Hundreds of sales copy bullets 100% customized to your product or service
  • Product descriptions for Amazon, Ecommerce sites and more
  • JV Recruiting Video Sales Letter to get people to promote for you
  • An entire JV Affiliate Toolbox ready to copy and paste right into your website

Total Value: $997

Act Now and You Also Get These Bonuses To
Accelerate Your Sales Copy Writing Success


killer-elementsKiller Sales Copy Elements: Creating Sales Copy That Actually Sells... FAST! 
($197 Value)

Complete training on the main elements that make all the difference in your copywriting and the performance of any copy you create. This training will turn you into a sales copy Ninja!


damn-good"How To Write a Damn Good Sales Letter" Training ($197 Value)

This training shares with you all my philosophy and experience in creating sales letters that sell. It will walk you step by step through the parts of every good sales letter so you can adapt, enhance and improve your sales letters like a pro!


stick_figure_qa_pc_400_clr_2391The Complete Copywriting Q&A Webinar ($197 Value)

You'll get all the answers to your questions about copywriting, using the Easy Sales Copy Wizard and more. This is like downloading my brain to get all the copywriting goodness I can share with you after 20+ years of writing million-dollar sales copy!


And of course you're protected with our...

money back logo

100% Risk-FREE Guarantee

If “Easy Sales Copy Wizard” doesn’t make it push-button simple to create great sales copy fast… if it doesn’t take you by the hand, step-by-step and save you a ton of time… or if it fails to help you make more sales faster, then you will receive a full refund, No Questions Asked!

Special Pricing When You Order Now

So the total value of what you're getting today is more than $997, especially when you take into consideration the incredible bonuses we're including for you. But the good news is you are NOT going to pay that price.

Because we know what it's like to struggle with figuring out how to get words down on paper that make people spend money with you, and because we want to do everything we can to help you succeed with your sales copy writing, TODAY we're giving you everything we just listed at a special price of just $97!

And Best Of All... You'll Start Seeing Results In 20-30 Minutes

So here's why you can't wait and you need to act on this right now.

If you're an author, coach, info-preneur, or online marketer who needs to write great sales copy - but you struggle to write words that convert into sales - understand this:

  • clockWhen your sales copy is awesome, traffic and buyers are easy to find... it all starts with having great sales copy!
  • You don't need to waste money on a professional copywriter IF you have access to the proven formulas and tools to write your sales copy for you.
  • If you don't get your sales copy squared away now, you'll just continue to struggle and waste time and money promoting a site that will never convert!

Get Started Right Now

So go ahead, click the order button below right now and you're on your way to the sales copy writing success you want (and need)!

Do it now before the exclusive bonuses get pulled forever or the price goes up.

Don't miss this breakthrough Done-For-You Wizard Software that creates amazing sales copy to sell any product, service, information, or coaching you can think of.

Order Now

Claim your copy of this exciting and informative NEW sales copy writing Done-For-You Wizard Software from Jim Edwards!

"Easy Sales Copy Wizard"

The "Easy Sales Copy Wizard" Software works on both PC & MAC to create your:

  • box-webComplete Sales Letters to sell virtually anything to anyone
  • Complete Video Sales Letter Scripts, including PowerPoint slide decks
  • About Me page to promote yourself on your website or Amazon Author page
  • Facebook and Social Media Ads that convert
  • Blog Posts and Social Media Posts that sell
  • Promotional "Tweets" that get clicks
  • Email Teaser to announce to your list
  • Email Teaser for your affiliates to announce to their lists
  • Hundreds of headlines for Hot, Warm and Cold Traffic
  • Hundreds of sales copy bullets 100% customized to your product or service
  • Product descriptions for Amazon, Ecommerce sites and more
  • JV Recruiting Video Sales Letter to get people to promote for you
  • An entire JV Affiliate Toolbox ready to copy and paste right into your website
  • And MORE!

Plus, these Bonuses

  • BONUS #1 - Killer Sales Copy Elements: (Creating Sales Copy That Actually Sells... FAST!) training ($197 Value)
  • BONUS #2 - "How To Write a Damn Good Sales Letter" Training ($197 Value)
  • BONUS #3 - The Complete Copywriting Q&A Webinar ($197 Value)

Total Value: $997

Normally $497
Your Price Today: $97 One-Time Payment

Claim Your Discount Now! - Just $97

See you on the inside,

Jim Edwards

P.S. - Never before have you had such a unique opportunity to have a PROVEN sales copy writing expert take you by the hand and help you with writing money making sales letters, video scripts, ads, emails and more to sell any product, service, informaton or coaching!

Get in on this Done-For-You Wizard Software now before your competitors use it to leap way ahead of you in the market!

This gem will be sold for as much as $997. This introductory price of $97 is a "Buy it NOW before it's gone" offer... so act fast!...

P.P.S. - Let's be blunt: If you pass on this offer, will you succeed with your sales copy writing? Probably not!

You'll just keep struggling and never figure out how to create amazing sales copy to sell your products, services, information or coaching!

Most of what you need is instruction and encouragement - along with this amazing tool - from an Entrepreneur who has successfully "been there and done that!" with sales copy writing.

Get this Done-For-You Wizard Software NOW and find the sales copy writing success you want!

Act now! Buy now! Your satisfaction is guaranteed.

Claim Your Discount Now! - Just $97