How Every Content Marketer Can Get More Traffic, Get More Visibility, and Make MORE Sales With Content Marketing (Without Spending a Ton of Time!)

Top Content Marketing Experts Reveal 3 Easy Ways
For You To Succeed With Content Marketing - FAST!

Register Now $197 - SPECIAL Price $87

You Get 3 Brand New, In-depth, Full Length Trainings To
Put Your Content Marketing On The Fast Track!

Webinar #1: Converting Articles to YouTube Videos

LIVE - September 10, 2015 - 12:00 Noon Eastern

On this webinar training we'll cover how to take your articles and convert them to videos you post on YouTube to generate more targeted traffic to your website, blog or sales pages.

You can use these techniques to get more traffic by repurposing the same content into a different format... work smarter, not harder in your content marketing... and even use the same content over and over to get great results!

Heck, we’ll even show you step by step how to turn an article into a video even if you can barely point and click!

In fact, here's just a sample of what we'll answer for you / cover on this incredible webinar training:

  • you-tubmanHow to create multiple videos from a single article (which massively increases your marketing leverage)...
  • Specific mechanics on how to create your video....
  • How to create a killer title that grabs attention from viewers AND search engines alike...
  • How to crank out multiple videos in one sitting (rather than having to crank up your video software every time you want to make a new video)...
  • The specific tools we use to create videos fast and easy (and chances are your probably already have them)...
  • How to put on a super-professional appearance for just $5 on (yes, you can get someone to make your videos look amazing for just 5 bucks)...
  • Our super-secret "teaser" strategy to immediately GRAB people's attention in the first 5 seconds...
  • Live demo of taking an actual article, turning it into a video, and uploading it to YouTube in real time right before your eyes..
  • Example videos you can model immediately for your own success...
  • Our unique perspective on the importance and future of online video, and specifically YouTube for content marketers...
  • ... and much, MUCH More!

Don't miss this breakthrough webinar that will finally put your content marketing on steroids by discovering how you can immediately take your existing article and blog post content, and convert it quickly and easily to YouTube video content you can use to reach an entirely new audience.

Value: $197

Webinar #2: Marketing With Articles on LinkedIn

LIVE - September 17, 2015 - 12:00 Noon Eastern

On this second webinar training we'll cover how to get more credibility, traffic, and expert status using the business-building power of LinkedIn.

You can use these techniques to repurpose your content the right way on LinkedInuse Pulse to get results, and even get featured in your niche on LinkedIn!

Heck, we’ll even show you how to get LinkedIn to market your content for you without it costing you a dime!

In fact, here's just a sample of what we'll cover on this incredible webinar training:

  • litargetA sneaky (but completely legal) secret for pumping up your views to get over LinkedIn's magical 500 mark...
  • How to uniquely title your LinkedIn content to grab maximum eyeballs and increase exposure...
  • How to add compelling graphics to your LinkedIn content so you grab even more attention (and which graphics NEVER to post)...
  • How and when to add video to your LinkedIn content (the answer may shock you)...
  • Short-form LinkedIn content - what is it, why and when to use it, and how it helps you...
  • LONG-form LinkedIn content - what is it, why and when to use it, and how it helps you...
  • How to create your LinkedIn call to action for maximum results and clicks without appearing cheesy or like a car salesman...
  • Where to place your LinkedIn calls to action (HINT: this is very different than traditional article marketing)...
  • The importance of your lead info-graphic and why it dictates 90% or more of your ultimate success with ANY content you promote...
  • The insider secret for how often to post on LinkedIn so you always appear professional and don't come off like an Internet Marketer...
  • ... and much, MUCH More!

Don't miss this breakthrough webinar that will show you how to get more prestige, prospects, and profits from LinkedIn by knowing exactly how to use content marketing to build your business on the world's #1 social media site for business.

Value: $197

Webinar #3: Creating Money-Making Infographics

LIVE - September 24, 2015 - 12:00 Noon Eastern

On this third webinar training we'll cover how to use infographics to build your audience and drive more traffic.

You can employ these techniques to use sites like Pinterest and Instagram to drive traffic your competitors can't get… set yourself apart from other content marketers very quickly… and convert and repurpose your existing content into powerful "visual mode" media!

We’ll also show you how to create and promote infographics using nothing more than your phone or Ipad!

In fact, here's just a sample of what we'll cover on this incredible webinar:

  • money-magnetWhat IS an infographic actually and why do they work in content marketing?
  • When and where to use infographics in your content marketing...
  • How to create a professional level infographic fast (especially if you're not a graphic designer)
  • Infographics vs Memes - what's the difference, why it does (and doesn't) matter and how this impacts what you create...
  • What makes a good infographic vs a bad infographic
  • When to use words and when NOT to use words on your infographics...
  • The psychology behind the "secret" number of words to use to get the biggest bang for your buck with any infographic...
  • How to repurpose your infographics so you can increase your reach and visibility without any extra work...
  • How to legally use other people's content to create your own infographics...
  • How to do everything in less than 10 minutes a day (and see amazing results)
  • ... and much, MUCH More!

Don't miss this breakthrough webinar that will show you exactly how to get seen in all the right places using the explosive marketing power of sites like Pinterest, Instagram, and Facebook combined with your own infographics to promote whatever you’re selling.

Value: $197

Why Listen To Us?

Jim Edwards

Jim Edwards

Jeff Herring

Jeff Herring

We're Jim Edwards and Jeff Herring... "The Content Duo!"

Between us we've been using content marketing online since 1997 to explode both of our businesses.

  • Both have been syndicated newspaper columnists for over 10 years each
  • Both have published numerous best-selling ebooks
  • Both have published HUNDREDS of articles each
  • Both have published HUNDREDS of videos each
  • Both have used Content Marketing to drive hundreds of thousands of targeted visitors and make MILLIONs of dollars in sales
  • We've both built our businesses (online and offline) using Content Marketing
  • Go search our names on Google to see all the stuff we’ve done (pack a lunch 🙂)

Your Satisfaction Is Guaranteed!

money back logo

30-Day Money Back Guarantee!

If this 3-part course doesn’t help you to quickly convert your article content to YouTube Videos that drive traffic… if it doesn’t save you HOURS of time staring at a blank screen and get you creating money-making infographics that grab attention… and if it doesn’t make LinkedIn your own personal article traffic machine… we’ll give it all back – no questions asked – no hard feelings!

We know this 3-webinar series will do exactly what we promise and so much more that we’ll let you use it for 30 days – put it to the test – and if it isn’t everything we say it is and more, you’ll get a full and complete refund!

So you have nothing to lose and everything to gain for using content marketing to explode your business profits… no matter what business you’re in!

Why You Should Act Now...

It's a fact! The online business world is getting more competitive and you've got to take advantage of every new angle you can find just to keep up (let alone get ahead).

The bottom line is that sites like Pinterest, Facebook, LinkedIn, and YouTube hold the potential to get millions of new visitors to your website or blog.

The truth is your competitors are already using infographics, social media, and video to make more sales and get more visibility (along with the traffic that comes with it).

Will you join them?

You can't afford to wait another day to start using these sites and staking your claim to the river of visitors just waiting to come to your site.


The longer you wait, the harder it will be... and the further behind you'll get (especially if you're in a competitive niche). So don't wait! You need this training so you can get the visitors you need from these sites without wasting one more minute than you have to...

This is the training you need, and you need it now. Register right now!

Here's Exactly What You Get

You Get All 3 Complete Trainings

  • Webinar #1: Converting Articles to YouTube Videos

    LIVE – September 10, 2015 – 12:00 Noon Eastern

    On this webinar training we’ll cover how to take your articles and convert them to videos you post on YouTube to generate more targeted traffic to your website, blog or sales pages.

  • Webinar #2: Marketing With Articles on LinkedIn

    LIVE – September 17, 2015 – 12:00 Noon Eastern

    On this second webinar training we’ll cover how to get more credibility, more traffic, and gain expert status using the business-building power of LinkedIn.

  • Webinar #3: Creating Money-Making Infographics

    LIVE – September 24, 2015 – 12:00 Noon Eastern

    On this third webinar training we’ll cover how to use infographics to build your audience and drive more traffic. You can employ these techniques to use sites like Pinterest and Instagram to drive traffic your competitors can’t get!

  • Can't make the webinars live? NO Problem!

    We’ll record all the webinars and make replays available so you can review the content whenever it fits your schedule!

Register Now $197 - SPECIAL Price $87

Now you can quickly take your content creation to the NEXT LEVEL (without staring at a blank screen struggling to create that content).

These are the exact same techniques WE ourselves USE all the time to create amazing infographics, drive traffic with LinkedIn really fast, and convert articles, social media posts, and any other content to YouTube videos.



Jim Edwards & Jeff Herring

(757) 715-2157
Guaranteed Response Marketing, LLC
P.O. Box 547 Port Haywood, VA 23138

PS - There really is NOTHING else left to tell you.

This is an amazing training offer for an insanely low price... don't wait because it won't last!

Register now and get started with this amazing training right now... you'll be glad you did 🙂