Yesterday, I taught a class on how to define your customer avatar for your copywriting. One of my students, Rodney asked, “Okay, I understand having an avatar for my copywriting. But, what about me as the person writing the copy? Is there such a thing as an avatar for me writing the copy?”✍
What Rodney’s referring to is often referred to as your “attractive character.” My friend Russell Brunson talks a lot about the attractive character in his books, DotCom Secrets and Expert Secrets (a little shout out there for Russell). 📣
From my experience, your character changes and adapts based on your audience and the story you’re trying to get across to people in your copy. It’s all about how you want to position yourself in that particular piece of sales copy or content. 🗒
So for example, in a recent video, I presented myself as the “Awe shucks, I’m just Jim the part-time chicken rancher.” So in that case, I’m presenting myself with the chickens and the character of just some quirky guy.🤠
Sometimes, I’m telling the story about the Jim who used to be real heavy, and then worked out. In those cases, I can show a picture of my pull-up bar and my dip bars in my outside workout area.💪
Other times, it’s a different story to create a different positioning in people’s minds. For instance, this morning, I was making a bunch of software demo videos with some partners in Australia. The story and the character that I was portraying in this case is Jim Edwards with the “30 years of experience in direct sales and personal selling.” To do that I was sharing stories about selling insurance, selling software, selling real estate, and using scripts in all of it.🤓🧐😎
The thing to understand is that we, as attractive characters, have many different facets to us. We literally are like jewels. You need to think about what facet of your story makes the most sense with the copy you’re writing and the message you’re trying to communicate. Which facet of your character is the one that’s going to give the most credence and authenticity to the message you’re trying to communicate?💎
In other words, give yourself permission to be multi-dimensional, instead of pigeonholing yourself. The only one who will limit you in this area is you! If you think in your mind, “I only do this. This is all I do. This is all I’m about. This is it. Everything has to fit this definition of who I am.” – you’re going to limit yourself severely. ✖
Instead of doing that, give yourself permission to have many different, authentic sides of your “self”.
We’ve all lived rich lives. We’ve all done a lot of different things, so use the stories and background to make yourself more authentic. Use the aspects of your character to your advantage. Why not? You’ve lived the life. You earned the stripes. “Been there, done that, got the T-shirt!” 🤩
So I would just tell you, yes, it is important to have a unique aspect to your attractive character. That aspect can be your story, your background, your personality but don’t pigeonhole yourself. Adapt and highlight the things that give you the best advantage in your copy and position you as the best choice for them in this situation. 📕📗📘
And by the way, this isn’t manipulative. This is isn’t fake. It’s just using the different aspects of who you are. 😊
Think about all the different roles that you play in life. I frequently think about all the different roles I’ve been in. I’ll just list off a few real quick that I can use quite legitimately to build my character and my backstory.
I was a pizza delivery guy. 🍕
I’ve been a janitor. 🚿
I’ve been a grandpa. 👴
I’ve been a husband. 👫
I’ve been a dad. 👶
By the way, I still am a grandpa, a husband, and a dad. (Not a janitor anymore.)
Think about all the different experiences you’ve had and the people you’ve interacted with over the years.
I sold grave plots in Hampton, Virginia door to door. ⚰
I sold insurance / real estate / weight loss / alarm systems / mortgages / 💲🥕🛡🏘
I’ve met done weapons training with Special Forces and Navy SEALS. ⚔🔫
I’ve done all these different things� and you’ve done all these different things.
Don’t discount them… Highlight them! Revel in them! Use them to your advantage.
You earned them all! 🥇
By the way, if you’d like to create an amazing “backstory” for any sales copy purpose, check out the “Backstory Scripts” and “Epiphany Bridge Scripts” in Funnel Scripts, they’ll change your sales copy forever – FAST. Get more at
Christopher Evans
April 27, 2018Awesome value as usual!
So many entrepreneurs don’t understand the value of authenticity and the value of focusing your prospects on what’s most relevant to their situation.
To some people I’m also a pizza delivery guy.
To some people I’m a bookworm.
To some I’m a musician, to some I’m an older brother / part time father figure, and to some I’m the consultant who’s going to change the direction of their business.
Those are ALL true, and they actually complement each other very well.
We’re all people, and every single role I’ve been in has added to the rest.
Thanks Jim for another masterfully-written piece.
You da man.
Lise Gottlieb
April 27, 2018Thanks Jim Edwards,
it was a very inspiring article.
Great message.
I love it.
Lise Gottlieb
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