Weekly Update – July 11th, 2018

A Note From Jim

Despite what many would have you believe the source of your success is NOT outside of you…
it’s inside! (Ever heard the phrase “It’s an inside job!”?)

Looking for success outside of you gives away control to others.

If you want to find success, look within and you’ll be amazed at the insight confidence, and
the clarity you’ll find.



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Did You Miss This?

Have you heard the advice, “Fake it ‘til you make it”? Most of us have been told that’s how you get started if you want to succeed. I think it’s the WORST advance anyone could give you!

Watch this video I posted on Facebook to learn why (and what you should do instead)

Watch this one-minute video and you’ll know how you can move forward more confidently starting TODAY!

Click here to watch this quick video



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