Patience, perseverance, let go… [video]

One of the things that I’ve learned over the last 20 years is that every once in a while, things are going to break, and there are lessons to be learned from when things break… Many lessons! Did you know that you can get your hands on all of my personal tools? Wait… WHAT?! Instant…

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What’s most important? [video]

You only get one trip on this crazy train of life. We have to learn to make the most of it… Make the most of our time, relationships and efforts.  Make the most of your copy – get Copywriting Secrets for FREE!  Facebook • Instagram • Twitter • LinkedIn • Pinterest • Medium •…

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Time leaks… [video]

Have you ever heard the phrase ‘work expands to fill the time allotted’? Meaning that we can stretch a 15 minute job into 3 hours if we aren’t motivated to get it done. I’ve realized, looking back, the times in my life when I have been the busiest I’ve also been able to make the…

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Mini breaks… How to take a vacation (mental break) during Covid [video]

In the world right now you might think to yourself, hey, you know, I’m stuck at home… So why do I feel like I need a vacation? BUT, I can’t go because we can’t go anywhere. I’ve decided that I’m going to start taking mini breaks for my own mental health. Watch this short video…

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To heck with it! [video]

It’s easy to get caught up in over analyzing everything and getting NOTHING done. At some point, you have to say, to heck with it, I’m going to do something and take action. Once you’ve done something, learn from it, improve it and move forward. Have you gotten your hands on the FREE Hashtag Scraper?…

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