Jim Edwards here with a little JEM (Jim Edwards Method)
that always works to get me un-stuck, no matter what’s
going on.
It works for…
1. Procrastination
2. Overwhelm
3. Just being lazy
Give it a try, and then let me know if it works for
you too!ย ๐
“All You Need Is Little Contrast”
– by Jim Edwards
Think about this for a second…
What is easier to do?
Sit quietly for 5 minutes OR Run as fast as you can around
the block?
> Sit quietly for 5 minutes is the obvious winner.
How about sit quietly for 5 minutes in a tub of ice water
OR Run as fast as you can around the block?
> Run as fast as you can is probably easier.
What if the choice was to sit quietly for 5 minutes in a
tub of ice water OR run as fast as you can around the block
while being chased by 5 rabid pit bulls out for blood?
> That water doesn’t sound so bad now, does it?
See, in life and business all you really need is a little
contrast to put things in perspective. Things you see as
a pain in the butt and which cause you to procrastinate
because they are “too hard” can gain instant perspective
with a little contrast.
Don’t feel like writing that book today? Don’t want to run
that ad? Dragging your feet with that sales copy? Don’t
want to make that video? Don’t want to write that email?
Go dig ditches for a living 12 hours a day, 6 days a week.
Do that for a month and then come back and let us know how
hard writing an email or an ebook really is when you
CONTRAST it to what you could be doing instead.
It’s like magic for putting things into real perspective.
Is your kid a pain in the ass? He or she isn’t perfect?
Doesn’t get straight A’s? Doesn’t listen perfectly 100%
of the time?
Think about the moms and dads who’ve lost their kids to
cancer… or car accidents… or crime.
Makes the little guys (or teenagers) a little more valuable.
My point here is that if you’re not happy… if you’re
procrastinating… if you’re STUCK… if you’re not feeling
good in a situation at work or home – try a little contrast.
When you see the big picture and the alternatives, it’s a
lot easier to shake yourself out of a funk and get moving
again. It’s also a great way to feel grateful for what you
DO have, which is the first step in getting more of what
you DO actually want.
A little contrast can work wonders!
Judy Rogers
February 6, 2015Thank you Jim. I’ve been down lately, but haven’t thought of what is down with me, nor below me.
You’ve shell shocked me a bit to “contrast” where I am, with where I desire to be.
Thanks, I needed that. It has helped me…right now, as I read your blog…To look outside of my box.
A shaken tree makes Apple picking much easier. Can’t thank you enough.
Bless you, Judy
Lifeintheblood.com up by March 1st…..that’s a declaration to you….and to me.
February 6, 2015Judy,
Then I wrote it for you ๐
Glad it helped!
Eileen Davidson
February 9, 2015Jim,
You made me laugh, you must be funny
I also try to find a worse case when I am near suicide with what is going on in my life at that moment.
It works for me.
thank you Jim.
February 6, 2015Thanks Jim,
Our family has been going through a bit of a personal crisis lately with an elderly relative.
This situation has certainly reminded me that one should never take a perfectly ordinary day for granted.
I cannot tell you how good it has felt to get back to work!
February 6, 2015Bob,
I understand 110% – I wish you nothing but the best and yes, we should all see ordinary days as gifts and be grateful for them ๐
Kym Kirk
February 6, 2015Contrast works for me, Jim.
February 6, 2015Kym
Tony Crofts
February 6, 2015Whenever I hear people complaining about noisy kids, I think, or even ask them on occassions, would they prefer to hear the noisy kids or be profoundly deaf? I’m not quite that deaf yet, I can still appreciate hearing the children at play.
Must say, I’ve not thought too often about applying the tactic to my own shortcomings before. I might get that book/copy/website finished soon after all.
Thanks Jim
February 6, 2015Tony,
It really helps. One thing I do if there’s a thing on my to-do list that keeps sticking is to start out the new day with only two items on my list – the sticky item and something MUCH harder / more difficult… and I always get the sticky thing done… all you need is a little contrast ๐
Clive Swersky
February 6, 2015This JEM is an unforgettable GEM! Thank you, Jim!
February 6, 2015Clive,
Thank you… ๐
K. K. Davis
February 6, 2015Jim Edwards, this is why I rate you as the coolest,
truest, most relevant Internet Marketer on the
Internet all of these years.
You always have a profound timely nugget of wisdom
to share with us, your audience. You are aware
of what we may encounter. You show you care.
I needed this message on “contrast.”
This speaks directly to me.
I will continue to revisit throughout
the year until the procrastination,
overwhelm, and indolence are overcome.
February 6, 2015K.K.
That is awesome… and thank you… I’m glad you think I’m cool ๐ and thanks for knowing that I do care ๐
Donna Patterson
February 6, 2015Not to speak of sleepless nights you endure because of being lazy and avoiding the “hard work.” I just finished 12 email follow-ups to put into an email campaign. What a pain it was to do … but now it’s done.
Feeling pretty good now.
Thanks for the motivation.
February 7, 2015Donna,
It always feels better when it’s done ๐
George Jackson
February 6, 2015It’s all about keeping your perspective. Always has been. Thanks for the reminder, Jim.
February 7, 2015George,
I agree 110% ๐
February 6, 2015Hi Jim-
Been a while since we spoke ! I am still here,prospering, but also getting stuck from time to time.
A great approach! Thank you ๐
Cheers, Tamar
February 7, 2015Hi Tamar,
I always love to see you on webinars ๐
I’m really glad you’re well!
Thea Westra
February 7, 2015Perfect, Jim. Often say to Greg, my partner, “if that’s the worst problem we have today, then we’re not doing too badly”. Or, when he might complain about a truck or siren in the street, I point to the fact that we’re lucky to have those “freedom” sounds, better than all those who live with the sounds of jet fighters & tanks, every day. As for digging ditches, too true! ๐ Upwards & onwards!
February 7, 2015Thea
February 7, 2015I agree with Thea – “if that is the worst problem we have…..”. Thanks for another timely reminder Jim. I practice gratefulness for the simple things in life each day and it really makes a difference. I know I am so much better off than so many others that my bits of whining are silly and certainly non-productive. A JEM indeed.
February 7, 2015Virginia,
I find about 5 minutes of gratefulness at the beginning of the day really sets the tone
Shannon Hartig
February 7, 2015So very true! Great life lesson!
February 7, 2015Hey Shannon!
How are you doing?
Kat Sturtz
February 7, 2015Reminders of the power of perception like this are appreciated. Thanks, Jim, for another great JEM.
February 7, 2015Thanks Kat!
Rohi Shetty
February 7, 2015Thanks a ton, Jim.
This is exactly what I needed to read today. Yu are a life-saver.
Your post reminds me of the old quote – “If you think education is expensive, try ignorance.”
February 7, 2015Rohi,
That is a perfect quote!
February 7, 2015thanks Jim, you are always an inspiration
February 7, 2015Thanks Lise!
February 7, 2015What timimg Jim to restore my enthusiasm and ambitions.
l just moved home from abroad feeling initially excited with lots of plans for new work projects
but only to find the rented apartment l’ve paid up front for has been left in a shocking state since viewing. For a female the state of the unhygienic bathroom effected me the most and l just kind of “slumped” emotionally and won’t invite anyone in.
The real estate agent doesn’t want to know now he has all the money and commission and has not sent the Clean Team as per the Agreement.
My first reaction was duped, let down, not taken seriously, and the mega clean up, repairs seem overwhelming for one person even though a hard worker myself.
Since your GEM of wisdom, overnight my confidence is recharged to go out and buy grime buster equipment, gloves, mask ;-)) and spend Saturday / Sunday doing it myself instead of waiting, mood
sinking lower.
Even though embarrassed, thanks to your outlook, l WILL take up the offer of help of the kind welcoming neighbours who moved in nextdoor to a pristine apartment.
Being too proud and independent IS a mistake.
Worrying about being judged, such a waste.
l ENJOY helping others, you made me realise they might ENJOY helping me.
In the world News lately there’ve been some extra horrific stories of loss which have played on my mind and you’ve totally put my small world into
perspective. Those victims of tragedy might give anything for a fixable unhealthy apartment and
trashed fitments to be their only problem.
Thank you Jim and to your readers whose stories
and words all helped me from feeling isolated.
February 7, 2015Paulina,
I’m sorry that happened to you ๐
You will look back on this situation not as a pain in the butt, but as a true growth experience… it builds up your ability to handle anything that comes your way ๐
February 7, 2015I almost skipped right over this and was not going to read it. It is incredible that we can get use to procrastinating and other traits that tend to sabotage what we really want out of life and wonder why we find it hard move forward.
We get to a place in our lives, live there for a while and wonder how we got there!
It is not until we get a glimpse of what life could be like that we have to make a choice to make some changes or continue on the path we have laid out for ourselves.
I suppose it is human nature to take the road of less resistance and why most find change hard.
Of course many will continue on, like I have, until the pain becomes too unbearable and our mind begins to search out a resolution and then start to find the answers that will help us on our journey into taking action for change.
Thanks for you’re thoughts, it brought back a lot a lot for me, and there is no doubt that I was looking for it.
February 7, 2015Jay
Awesome! Glad you didn’t skip over it ๐
That contrast of what life could be like is often the cold towel to the face that we need to move forward… I know it is for me!
Jed Johnson
February 7, 2015Hi Jim
Great advice Jim. Every day on this beautiful planet is a gift.
I am developing my website thanks to Jims WPwebsitecreator site and am happy to say that each and every day I do make a little more progress.
I have other websites in the pipeline and will be starting a blog along side my current website this week.
I would like to say to any person reading this response that each and every person has something positive to offer to the rest of the planet.The journey is tough and the rewards are uplifting.
Thanks Jim and associates for the words of inspiration and encouragement!
February 7, 2015Jed,
Amen!! Every day is a gift!
Great job… move the ball forward a little bit each day ๐
Mary Ann
February 8, 2015When I think of the consequences of being a lazy-ass or getting overwhelmed with too many shiny objects โ I need to use contrast in the deepest sense.
By the way Jim โ when will you do more audio? I can listen to you talk anytime and actually do. You once did an webinar on “How to get what you really want.” You made an audio copy available and I listen to it from time-to-time for motivation. That was a good one.
Thank you.
Mary Ann
February 21, 2015Mary Ann,
I need to figure out this pod-casting thing!
That would be way to get some cool audio done
Marjo Potec
February 8, 2015Jim, you never seize to amaze me with your expert and practical philosophies – that’s why I would recommend you anytime!
Marjo Potec NLP Practitioner
February 9, 2015Jim,
Thanks for this word of wisdom. It is needed once in a while.
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