Member’s Update – October 8, 2021
Why Test?
My buddy Stew Smith (who is also my fitness coach) has me take a fitness test about every 3 months.
2 minutes of pushups
2 minutes of situps
Max pullups
1.5 mile run
Why do I test? It’s not like I’m going into the military or anything.
We test because we want to measure ourselves against how we’ve done in the past… to better our best and constantly improve.
Member’s Update – October 1, 2021
The 3 types of people… which are you?
You’ve probably heard me talk about the “3 hats” in the past when it comes to life, info-products, and your business in general.
Member’s Update – September 24, 2021
What You Say To This Person Matters Most…
What you say to yourself matters the most of anyone you know. Why? Because it dictates everything else that happens in your life.
It’s all about self-talk. What is self-talk? It’s the stuff you say to yourself habitually all the time, often without thinking about it.
We all talk to ourselves. And if you say to yourself, “I don’t talk to myself,” well, then yeah, you do… because you just talked to yourself and said you didn’t. 😊
Member’s Update – September 17, 2021
3 Great Hook Scripts To Drive More Sales This Holiday Season
– By Jim Edwards
What the heck!?! The year is almost over, and the holidays are right around the corner. Your ability to hook ’em with your headlines spells the difference between lackluster sales and a record-setting year.
As you know, any copywriter worth their salt has a swipe file a mile high (digitally and physically) with examples of great copy, headlines, stories, and more. But have you ever thought about the difference between a swipe file and a script? Intrinsically, we understand that the purpose of a swipe file is to see the patterns, the blueprints, the scripts underlying the copy.
Member’s Update – September 10, 2021
Getting Back On The Horse
One of the things that I’ve learned over the years is that life is a game of momentum.
When you have momentum, it’s easy to keep momentum. When you lose momentum, it’s hard to get it back.
For example. When you’re exercising every day, it’s easy to exercise every day.
But when something happens to knock you off, then it’s often hard to get back on because you think “ Oh, man, that’s gonna hurt, that’s gonna suck.”
Member’s Update – July 16, 2021
Tricks To Just Getting Started On A Project (Especially When You “Don’t Have The Time!”)
Starting a new project is exciting and scary at the same time.
Exciting because you’re doing something new and this could change everything!
Scary because “How in the hell will I find the time to do this too?”
Member’s Update – July 9, 2021
“The Gas In Everyone’s ‘Success Tank’… Fill It Up and KEEP It Full!”
We saw a meme on Facebook the other day that tagged my business partner, Stew Smith.
It said “exercise gives you energy, but you need energy to exercise” – it was cute because of the conundrum it creates. (Kinda like which came first, the chicken or the egg?)
Member’s Update – July 2, 2021
You Never Know Who You’ll Impact Positively (or Negatively)… So Watch Your Step
You just never know when a word from you will impact someone for the rest of their life.
A small encouragement could be the spark that launches someone on a life-altering journey.
A seemingly small negative comment could crush someone’s resolve and cause them to give up.
Member’s Update – June 25, 2021
Are You OVER-Thinking It?
It’s interesting to watch all the Olympic trials this past week…. exciting, thrilling, and – at times – educational.
Hallie Flickenger is a swimmer trying out for Olympics.
Member’s Update – June 18, 2021
Are you a firefighter in your business or a park ranger?
Firefighters put out fires.
They deal with dangerous situations.
Unless they’re doing some sort of preventive maintenance, they are usually fixing the result of the problem and not the problem itself. (E.G. they are putting out fires to keep the forest from burning down around them and killing Bambi, Thumper, and Flower.)