If you like ChatGPT… if you use it at all… you MUST read this ASAP!
Let me begin with a startling admission… I use the software engine behind ChatGPT every day (though I use a tricked-out version in my own site we call “Genie Chat” that gives me a ton more options than plain ChatGPT).
Chatbots like ChatGPT are great “playground” tools – or at least that’s how I use them. It’s fun to mess around and see what I can conjure up with prompts I found on Reddit, or some bizzopp huckster on YouTube.
It’s a world-changing tool… no doubt!
But for those of us who don’t have hours to mess around and need to get an instant result so we can move on with our day, ChatGPT, as with anything, it has its limitations.
Makes Selling So Easy – It Feels Like Cheating… But It’s NOT!
If you’ve ever felt overwhelmed and discouraged trying to write your own long-form sales letter, you are not alone.
It took me 4 years to figure out how to write my first long-form sales letter. But when I finally got it put up, my sales went up 250% literally overnight!
My friend Anza just stunned me with her long form sales letter and the fact that…
She wrote the entire first draft of her sales letter in less than 5 minutes using her secret weapon!