Member’s Update – July 9, 2021
“The Gas In Everyone’s ‘Success Tank’… Fill It Up and KEEP It Full!”
We saw a meme on Facebook the other day that tagged my business partner, Stew Smith.
It said “exercise gives you energy, but you need energy to exercise” – it was cute because of the conundrum it creates. (Kinda like which came first, the chicken or the egg?)
Member’s Update – July 2, 2021
You Never Know Who You’ll Impact Positively (or Negatively)… So Watch Your Step
You just never know when a word from you will impact someone for the rest of their life.
A small encouragement could be the spark that launches someone on a life-altering journey.
A seemingly small negative comment could crush someone’s resolve and cause them to give up.
Member’s Update – June 25, 2021
Are You OVER-Thinking It?
It’s interesting to watch all the Olympic trials this past week…. exciting, thrilling, and – at times – educational.
Hallie Flickenger is a swimmer trying out for Olympics.