Stop, Drop and Pivot – Embrace Change (Without Using Swear Words)

Change is coming – and let’s be real, sometimes it feels like a giant dumpster fire spiraling out of control.

It’s a word that doesn’t sit well with a lot of people (including me on some occasions), especially once we’re finally comfortable. That’s one of the mistake we make… we get comfortable.

I want to share a conversation I had with a client just the other day. He asked me a question that made me stop and think…

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Avatar – What is It and Where Are Yours – SCCMH [Podcast 194]

Podcast 194 – The Avatar – Your Target Audience (Do You Know Where They Are?) Jim Edwards podcast breaks down where can you find your avatar? Think, research, hunt and find them…

Here are the steps to find your avatar:

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Launching a Product Lessons Learned with Jim Edwards – SCCMH [Podcast 193]

Podcast 193 – Jim Edwards and Stew Smith discuss the recent business launch of See what all the fuss is about with AI being used in business – specifically the sale copywriting and content marketing business. This is one you do not want to miss.

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The Sales Copy & Content Revolution is here!

The Sales Copy & Content Revolution is here! Better Sales Copy! Better Content! Better Results! FAST! –

We discussed everything from the Genies that get more done more in minutes than others can accomplish in hours… to actual user stories… to questions about everything from plagiarism and originality, to targeting and more.

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Event & Webinar Promo Mistakes To Avoid Like The Plague

Get the Most Out of Your Event Promotion By Avoiding these Common Mistakes

It’s a big mistake to think event promotion is easy.

Sure, you can throw some posts on social media and call it a day, but that won’t get your event off the ground. To truly maximize your event’s potential, you need to avoid the costly mistakes people make when promoting their webinars, events, and trainings.

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Don’t Shoot Yourself in the Foot: 10 Things Not to Do with Your Sales Letter

Creating a long form sales letter can be a great way to drive more sales for your product or service. Despite what haters say, long form sales letters work GREAT when selling to a rabid, targeted audience.

However, there are certain mistakes people make over and over again when crafting their sales letters that can hurt their chances at success.

I’ve seen (and made) all of these mistakes in the last 26 years… don’t you make them too!

This list of mistakes to avoid will help you ensure that your long form sales letter is effective and drives maximum conversions….

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