Weekly Update – April 22, 2020

A Note From Jim Slash Prices or Skyrocket Value  (the choice is yours) Back in 2001 – 2002 we had the dotcom bubble burst. It was amazing to watch. The thought back then was that “The rules have changed. Old ways of figuring market value are out the window.” They weren’t. They didn’t. It all…

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Now is the time to thrive… not just survive!

Now is the time to thrive… not just survive!

“Courage is knowing what not to fear.” – Plato

Plato’s work has inspired many cultures for thousands of years. His wisdom has survived for generation through war, plague, pestilence, famine, and worse than what we’re dealing with now.

The big idea here is NOT that we need to be fearless in everything we do (that’s how you get eaten by a lion or run over by a beer truck)…

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