Member’s Update – May 8, 2020

You’re One Presentation Away

I created a presentation about 15 years ago that changed my life.

It was about “mini sites” – people call them funnels today.

There were three main types of mini sites:

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Member’s Update – May 1, 2020

Get More Done with a P.L.A.N.

You know I’m big on efficiency and maximizing every moment of effort spent.

I firmly believe (because I KNOW from personal experience) that you CAN get more done in 2 hours than most people get done all day.

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Member’s Update – April 24, 2020

Checklists & Deadlines

Nothing gets done without a deadline or a checklist.

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Member’s Update – April 17, 2020

Scarcity VS Urgency

Most people associate urgency with scarcity.

Urgency is a feeling that gets people to act NOW.

Scarcity is a LIMIT of some kind (limited time price, limited quantity, expiration date, etc.). Scarcity is what most people use to create urgency.

Why? Because scarcity is the easiest way to get people worked up and get them to …

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Member’s Update – April 10, 2020

Wax On – Wax Off
Breathe In – Breath Out

I frequently get asked a question that goes something like this “Jim, how often should I pitch my list so I don’t burn them out?”

Or “I haven’t contacted my list in a while, how do I reactivate them?”

Or “I don’t like to pitch to my list because I get unsubscribes. What can I do?”

All of these question miss the point to some degree.

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