Member’s Update – August 7, 2020

The One Week Day

I have a friend who has the goal every week of doing MORE in a single week than most people do all YEAR.

Yep. More in a week than most do in a year.

And… he DOES it!

Now, truth be told,…

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Member’s Update – July 31, 2020

Questions You Should Always Know the Answer To In Your Business

I like burning stuff into my brain… especially stuff that never changes.

Don’t cheat. Don’t steal. Don’t lie.

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Member’s Update – July 17, 2020

Secrets to Consistent Creativity

Creativity doesn’t just happen, though when it does, it feels like it.

What do I mean?

Most people think that creativity just strikes out of nowhere and “creative people” are just lucky.

I don’t believe that’s true…

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