Member’s Update – July 17, 2020
Secrets to Consistent Creativity
Creativity doesn’t just happen, though when it does, it feels like it.
What do I mean?
Most people think that creativity just strikes out of nowhere and “creative people” are just lucky.
I don’t believe that’s true…
Member’s Update – June 12, 2020
The Best Way To Create Consistent Content
Creating content consistently means you’ve created a habit for creating the content you need.
Daily. Weekly.
Whatever “consistent” means to you, doing it consistently means you’ve made it a part of who you are and what you do.
Despite what people say, creating a habit is actually a pretty simple 2-part formula.
Member’s Update – May 8, 2020
You’re One Presentation Away
I created a presentation about 15 years ago that changed my life.
It was about “mini sites” – people call them funnels today.
There were three main types of mini sites:
Member’s Update – April 17, 2020
Scarcity VS Urgency
Most people associate urgency with scarcity.
Urgency is a feeling that gets people to act NOW.
Scarcity is a LIMIT of some kind (limited time price, limited quantity, expiration date, etc.). Scarcity is what most people use to create urgency.
Why? Because scarcity is the easiest way to get people worked up and get them to …
Member’s Update – March 13, 2020
Just Because You’re Busy Doesn’t Mean…
Doesn’t mean the world stops and waits for YOU… cuz it won’t!
I have to confess… the last few weeks have been insane with working on the Traffic Secrets Scripts launch and my affiliate work on Russell’s new “Traffic Secrets” book.
Member’s Update – February 14, 2020
A Paycheck Doesn’t Equal Self Worth
When I was in the mortgage business waaaaay back in the early 1990’s, your self-worth was all about your “production” and how much you had in the “pipeline!”
Your value was measured in dollars and cents.
You were great (or crap) based on a number…