Member’s Update – April 10, 2020
Wax On – Wax Off
Breathe In – Breath Out
I frequently get asked a question that goes something like this “Jim, how often should I pitch my list so I don’t burn them out?”
Or “I haven’t contacted my list in a while, how do I reactivate them?”
Or “I don’t like to pitch to my list because I get unsubscribes. What can I do?”
All of these question miss the point to some degree.
Member’s Update – April 3, 2020
Now is the time to thrive… not just survive!
“Courage is knowing what not to fear.”
– Plato
Plato’s work has inspired many cultures for thousands of years. His wisdom has survived for generations through war, plague, pestilence, famine, and worse than what we’re dealing with now.
The big idea here is NOT that we need to be fearless in everything we do (that’s how you get eaten by a lion or run over by a beer truck)!
Member’s Update – March 27, 2020
My Top 9 Tips for Weathering the Quarantine Storm!
Hey, unless you’ve been living in a bunker (snark), you know that there’s some serious stuff going on with self-quarantine, stay home, social distancing, etc.
Here are 10 lessons I’ve learned over the last couple of weeks that may help you too:
Member’s Update – March 21, 2020
What Would You Do?
Currently most of the world is in quarantine, going to quarantine, should quarantine, should isolate… all kinds of great, happy, exciting things that just throw a wrench in the middle of everything.
Member’s Update – March 13, 2020
Just Because You’re Busy Doesn’t Mean…
Doesn’t mean the world stops and waits for YOU… cuz it won’t!
I have to confess… the last few weeks have been insane with working on the Traffic Secrets Scripts launch and my affiliate work on Russell’s new “Traffic Secrets” book.