Weekly Update – February 10, 2021

A Note From Jim “I’ve Tried Everything – What Should I Do? – I’m Stuck!” I get this a lot in the help desk… it usually goes something like this. “I’ve bought every course. “I’ve paid out thousands. “I’m now in debt. “I have all these tools. “I’ve been studying for years. “I’ve tried drop…

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How to Reach Your Goals Amid Chaos

How to Reach Your Goals Amid Chaos

There’s a lot of chaos going on in the world right now. And I hate to break it to you, but it’s not going to get better anytime soon. In fact, I think it’s going to get worse before it gets better.

So we all have a choice to make. Do we let chaos rule us? Or do we succeed in spite of it?

Here’s a story I don’t think I’ve shared before because I’m not particularly proud of my behavior…

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Weekly Update – January 6, 2021

A Note From Jim Only Put VERBS On Your Calendar If you want to hit your 2021 goals, you’ve got to put VERBS on your calendar! My good friend and mentor, former Navy SEAL Stew Smith, always says “If it’s not on the schedule, it doesn’t get done.” Do NOT put outcomes or goals on…

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You Won’t Reach A Single Goal This Year If You Don’t Do This…

If you want to reach your goals this year, pay close attention.  What I’m about to share has made a huge difference in my life and gotten me out of the ghetto of my own mind so I could start living my dreams.  If you set goals like everybody else, you are NOT going to…

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You won’t reach a single goal this year if you don’t do this… [video]

If you set goals like everybody else, you’re not going to reach a single one of them this year. What am I talking about? Here’s the thing that you need to understand… Goals are not outcomes! To get more great tips check out my blog: http://thejimedwardsmethod.com/ Join us on Facebook • Instagram • Twitter •…

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