Member’s Update – October 22, 2021

Order Bumps Can Make You Rich

An order bump is an offer you make at the point of purchase on your website.

It’s the same as offering candy and magazines at the checkout in the grocery store.

You think you’re done, but the Food Lion says “No way! Here’s some other stuff you might like!”

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Member’s Update – October 15, 2021

Q: “How do I find time to work on my online business when I’m swamped with my ‘day job’ and my family?”

A: Let me start by saying I understand 110% about trying to get started with a mountain of time commitments facing you.

I used to get up at 4:00 a.m. in the morning and make websites from 4:15 until 7:00 when I had to go get ready to head to my day job.

I used to stay up until 2:00 a.m. working on things too.

But that’s a tough road and it’s hard to find the energy.

Then one day, almost by accident, I discovered a strategy I now call “The Two Golden Hours” that changed everything!

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Member’s Update – October 8, 2021

Why Test?

My buddy Stew Smith (who is also my fitness coach) has me take a fitness test about every 3 months.

2 minutes of pushups
2 minutes of situps
Max pullups
1.5 mile run

Why do I test? It’s not like I’m going into the military or anything.

We test because we want to measure ourselves against how we’ve done in the past… to better our best and constantly improve.

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