5 Tips To Avoid Sounding Cheezy In Your Sales Copy

A lot of people who need to write sales copy worry about coming off as cheezy, kinda like a used car salesman. They confuse good selling with the cultural stereotypes that rank good selling along with slimeballs. So, let’s talk about five (5) ways you can avoid creating copy that makes people feel like they…

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Should I Ever Go Negative In My Copywriting?

Going “negative” in your copywriting is something you must be aware of, but I think there are two ways that you can go negative. 😖😳🤬 One is a good way and one is a bad way. Let’s talk about the good way first. 👍👏🙌 The good way to go negative is to basically meet people…

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What’s the difference between Video Sales Letters and regular Sales Letters?

Video Sales Letters made easy with https://FunnelScripts.com

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The #1 Copy Writing Mistake Every Entrepreneur Must Avoid Like The Plague

The #1 copy writing mistake entrepreneurs make is to make their sales copy all about themselves instead of their prospective customer. What do I mean? Well, they tell the prospect how great their product is, how smart they are, how long they’ve been in business and how their product works. The customer doesn’t care about…

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