An Incredible Content Marketing Secret You Can Use TODAY!

If you’re a online business owner whose #1 desire is to get more traffic and visibility, then I’ve got a content marketing secret here you need to learn about FAST.

Your #1 Content Marketing Secret: The Consistent Content Creation Habit

Here’s what you need to understand about this: if you aren’t making content every day, you’re just going to spin your wheels.

Fact: marketing with content is all about momentum.

Kinda like working out.

If you only work out once a week, you’ll just end up sore, stiff and in pain. You won’t see much benefit.

This secret is key because content marketing is about to get even MORE important.

Why? Because of the changes in Facebook’s (and sure to be others) Terms of Service and how you can target people with advertising.

Your content, how targeted it is, and how “share-worthy” it is (if that’s a real term or not) will determine how well social media works for you or not.

Bottom line: good content published consistently will drive your business, not your ability to buy Facebook ads!

My suggestion to you now is to develop the habit of creating useful content on a daily basis.

One way to develop a habit (especially a new habit) is to link it to something you’re already doing consistently (like working out, brushing your teeth, or checking email).

So here’s a secret that will work for the vast majority of people.

Step 1 – Every day pick a question you can answer for your target audience.

Step 2 – Email the question to yourself at the end of the day just before you shut down for the day.

That way it’ll be waiting for you in the morning when you check email.
(Alternative step: Use Boomerang for Gmail to email yourself in the future at a specific time)

Step 3 – When you check email the next morning (as almost all of us do) ANSWER the question to create your content.

(Then post your answer as content on your blog, social media, podcast, etc.)

Do this and you’ll develop the consistent content creation habit before you know it!

And here’s one more thing.

If you want to put your content marketing on steroids, check out the Automatic Marketing Wizard! Get all the FREE details here:


  • Raymond Burton

    Reply Reply April 4, 2018

    Great stuff as usual Jim. Sending yourself an email the night before also lets the question stew about in your mind (under the radar) so when you wake up – you just type the best possible answer. This works especially well if you are creating content in an area you know like the back of your hand.

    • BigJim

      Reply Reply April 5, 2018

      Hey Ray!
      Great point… love it! Thanks for the great comment 🙂

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