“Just Do It”

“Just Do It” – Nike

This quote is from Nike and their many ad campaigns for as long as anyone can remember.

Nike is known for their presence in the fitness and clothing marketplace, as well as their ability to stand out from many competitors who have come and gone over the last 55+ years.

Nike’s big breakthrough came in the mid-1980s when they signed Michael Jordan to an epic shoe deal that created a sneaker dynasty.

The big idea here with this quote is, despite all the excuses we can come up with, in the end we need to dive in and just do it… especially when it comes to getting our own book done.

Here’s how this applies to us as authors and creating and self-publishing your own original book fast:

That book ain’t gonna write itself! (Yep, I went there… it ain’t gonna write itself!)

If you want to get a book done, you need to schedule time to sit down and get it created!

The great news is, you can create a book without being a writer… or even sitting down to write it out by hand or typing at the keyboard. (Which is incredible news, especially if you still have nightmares from high school English class!)

The key to creating your own book for massive credibility, increased sales, and market differentiation comes down to tools and strategy… NOT typing speed.

Truth is, if you can talk to a friend on your smartphone, you have the tools to create a book! (Yep, it’s true… and we’ve proven it repeatedly! 😊 )

So, let’s put this into action:

  1. Decide that you WILL create a book to help you stand out from the competition.

Whether you’re a Realtor, a lawyer, a baker, or a basket maker… your own book gives you instant expert status in the minds of your ideal customers.

  • Envision yourself using that book every single day to get more business.

Really take some time to daydream about having that book done and enjoying the benefits it will bring into all the areas of your business and personal life. Make it real for yourself by first visualizing it as already done.

  • Set a deadline (a date on your calendar) for when your book will be done!

Noting worthwhile happens without a deadline! If you want a little extra power and motivation to get it done, tell a few friends you’re going to have your book done, published, and up for sale on Amazon by a certain date.

By the way…

If you really want to know how to turbocharge this process, don’t lose a single minute. Check out “7 Day Ebook” at https://7DayEbook.com. This training makes it easy for you to enjoy the authority and professional credibility that automatically comes with being a real, published author without being chained to your keyboard 18 hours a day for months on end to get it done.


“Wish that I had read this book years ago.”

“After reading Write and Publish in 7 Days, I wrote both, UR IN Control: Freedom From Incontinence After 50 and Flat Gut After COVID at least four times faster than any of my other books.

I have also blocked out my work schedule as you described and get even more done, all while working and attending night classes. Wish that I had read this book years ago.”

–Sgt. (Ret’d) Doug Setter, BSc.

You could be a published author by this time next week! Get started here

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