Micro Visualization

Most people think visualization is for “big” stuff like yearly goals or quitting smoking.

I’m here to tell you visualization works on a micro level.

In fact, we all visualize all the time every day… we just don’t realize it.

We think about our to-do list and what we have to do today (which is visualization, just not on purpose).

We think about what we’ll do for lunch… or errands we have to run… or appointments (which we quickly visualize like little glimpses).

But rarely do we pause to visualize on purpose. We’re running on autopilot.

So do a fun test with me today.

Take your to-do list and look at each item in turn.

Take 30 seconds to visualize easy item on the list completed calmly, smoothly, efficiently, and successfully.

Everything from writing that email… to doing that webinar… to checking the mail. Everything on the list.

Then take a minute at the end of the day and play it all back.

I think you’ll see that using this habit of micro visualization makes things go a LOT smoother when you use your natural tendency to visualize in a positive way, instead of letting it run loose on its own.


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1 Comment

  • Celeste Bonnet

    Reply Reply February 28, 2019

    “completed calmly, smoothly, efficiently” THIS is what is missing on my long ‘action’ lists! Thank you, Jim!

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