“The Robots Are Going To Kill Us All”

Every day delivers more and more news about AI.

In the last week, Google has announced their competition for ChatGPT named “Bard.”

In prior weeks, schools denounced AI and several people invented AI detectors to combat students taking the “easy way out.”

Others even questioned the ethics of content created by AI.

Oh, and for the conspiracy theorists out there, this fits in great to the Terminator scenario… “The robots are going to kill us all.”

We are on the cusp of exciting times in content creation and copywriting, but beware the risks!

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Artificial Intelligence (AI) – Big Help… or Big Trouble?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming increasingly powerful and could do as much damage as good for humanity. To avoid this, people need to be aware of developments in AI and make sure any technology that could make decisions for them is used in the right way.

Stephen Hawking was concerned that artificial intelligence will become too powerful.
AI is now to the point where you no longer have to “think” about much of anything.
The problem is “good enough” is about the same as “mediocre”… and mediocre will get you TERRIBLE results.

Read on for the rest of the story…

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The Future Of AI Content Generation

The future of AI (Artificial Intelligence) content generation is filled with potential, but also fraught with uncertainty.
There are a number of factors that suggest AI will play an increasingly prominent, if not important, role in content generation in the years to come.
One of the most important factors driving the future of AI content generation is the increasing availability of data. As more and more data is generated by individuals and organizations, AI systems will have more…

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