Are You ‘Forcing’ Your Business?
Are You ‘Forcing’ Your Business?
Are you an entrepreneur who needs to get things done?
Does it feel like you’re ‘forcing it’ in your business?
Let me tell you a story about when we were redoing Funnel Scripts for the third time.
It was a lot of work.
I’d spent the entire summer on this project. Ultimately, I had to redo 50 instructional videos.
I told myself, ‘I’ll do all 50 videos in five days!’
But I made a HUGE mistake!…
Facebook Jail (Again) & Burnout Recovery Tips (part 2) – SCCMH [Podcast 107]
“Facebook Jail (Again) & Burnout Recovery Tips (part 2) – SCCMH [Podcast 107]”
Jim Edwards is fresh from vacation and free from Facebook Jail only to get sent back to the Pokey again. The recidivism rate is high in the world of Facebook Live videos. Hopefully Jim can find the straight and narrow path.
Entrepreneurial Burn Out – Interview with Dr. Kelly Shockley – SCCMH [Podcast 40]
“Entrepreneurial burn out – interview with Dr. Kelly Shockley”
Jim and Stew share how they avoid burnout and get the blessing of Dr. Kelly along with more ideas of what to look out for and how to avoid “entrepreneurial burnout.”…