Member’s Update – July 10, 2020
“What’s the Fastest Way to Make Quick Cash?”
The fastest way to make quick cash is to make a special offer or sale to a list of targeted prospects.
Ideally, your own list of targeted prospects and customers.
Having a sale creates an event with a built-in deadline.
Member’s Update – July 3, 2020
There’s Always a Way!
Online business ain’t what it used to be!
The speed of business, the economy, and change are all shifting.
What worked 6 months ago may not work now… and what didn’t work 5 years ago may now present the perfect solution.
Never give up… there’s always a way!
The solution may appear in a flash of inspiration… or through hours of hard work and thought.
BUT – the one thing that will never change is having a CLEAR purpose in your life and business.
Member’s Update – June 26, 2020
No Matter What Happens… Do This!
Bad stuff happens – big and small.
It’s inevitable.
Pandemics… flat tires… social unrest… your FB ad account gets shut down… step on a rusty nail… death of a family member… loss of a pet… financial crises… bubbles and busts.
It’s life…
It’s not that I don’t take those things seriously (I do, more than I ever let on about)…. but I always keep 2 things in mind no matter how bad crap gets:
Member’s Update – June 19, 2020
The TEN Minute Solution
I find myself torn in a lot of directions right now.
Family needs me… coworkers need me… puppies need me… my to-do list needs me.
I need a break (and I’ve barely started for the day)!
Sound familiar?
Member’s Update – June 12, 2020
The Best Way To Create Consistent Content
Creating content consistently means you’ve created a habit for creating the content you need.
Daily. Weekly.
Whatever “consistent” means to you, doing it consistently means you’ve made it a part of who you are and what you do.
Despite what people say, creating a habit is actually a pretty simple 2-part formula.
Member’s Update – April 24, 2020
Checklists & Deadlines
Nothing gets done without a deadline or a checklist.