Jim’s Gem: Consistency [video]

The Word Of The Day Is “Consistency”   When most bakers hear the word consistency they think of cake batter… or cookie dough consistency.   When growth-minded entrepreneurs hear the word consistency they often think of doing something with regularity.   But a few also think of lack of consistency which means lack of results.…

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Do people ever call you the C-word? [video]

When people think of you or when you think of yourself, do you think of the “C” word? This word can mean all the difference between failure and success. Join me at the end of my dock for a discussion on the “C” word.  Copywriting Secrets can help you out with the “C” word and…

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Weekly Update – July 29, 2020

A Note From Jim Consistency is the Key Most people will try anything once. But when you only do something once, you don’t really learn anything. I’m a big proponent of consistency. Doing something over and over to get better and improve your results. The problem with consistency is it can get a bit boring…

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