Weekly Update – December 7, 2022
Jim’s Golden Nuggets “If You Want To Be Successful, Only Put VERBS On Your Calendar” My good friend and mentor, former Navy SEAL Stew Smith, always says “If it’s not on the schedule, it doesn’t get done.” Most people don’t reach their goals because a goal isn’t something you “do” – it’s something you “get!”…
Weekly Update – November 30, 2022
Jim’s Golden Nuggets How To Make The Right Dog Yell “Squirrel!” Need traffic to your website? Who doesn’t! PROBLEM: You need targeted, steady, high-converting traffic. SOLUTION: Learn how to write a great ad! TRUTH: The whole sales cycle (online or offline) all starts with a great ad. Ads get attention and arouse curiosity from the…
Are You Assessing or Just Guessing – SCCMH [Podcast 180]
Jim Edwards and Stew Smith discuss content marketing, sales copy writing, and using them to effective drive traffic to your business. Do a business assessment of your website, communications methods, and see where your strengths and weaknesses are. Then Test using effective methods found in content marketing scripts / TJEM. If you are not assessing – you are only guessing.
Content Marketing Scripts + Jim and Stew Show on Content Brevity – SCCMH [Podcast 178]
Jim Edwards and Stew Smith discuss Content Brevity and Content Marketing Scripts Software Walk Through – Content Marketing Scripts – What is your favorite one and why? Most used script data? Do you know? Walk through that script or scripts?
Three Reasons to Use Traffic Scripts – SCCMH [Podcast 177]
Jim Edwards and Stew Smith change things up this week and show some walk thru’s of scripts, wizards, and genies – content marketing software that makes sale copy and content creation super easy and effective.
We do a brief intro discussion while people join us and then take questions.
How Sales Copy Writing and Content Marketing Scripts and Wizards Work? – SCCMH [Podcast 166]
JJim and Stew discuss using one of many wizards that make content marketing 10x easier. Join us as we share stories of our favorite wizards / scripts we use regularly to make all kinds of content (articles, memes, social media posts, webinars, sales letters, etc). We talk about wizards often – let’s share some stories and testimonials about how our audience has used them in the past…
Members’ Update – December 3, 2021
The Word Of The Day Is “Recall”
Say the word recall to most people and they instantly imagine being able to remember something.
Others might remember the Arnold Schwarzenegger movie “Total Recall”.
When I hear the word recall, I think about the fact that readers of my sales copy or content probably won’t recall everything I have to say.
Member’s Update – November 26, 2021
‘Tis the Season!
Time to relax, regroup and recreate with family and friends.
It’s important to recharge you batteries, absolutely.
To let go… and just “be” in the moment.
But it’s also a great time to THINK about how you…
Member’s Update – November 19, 2021
How To Eat Your Elephant
You’ve heard the old saying “How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time!”
It’s a trite phrase, but it does create an interesting visual for taking on a seemingly HUGE task.
Unfortunately, when you start cutting at that elephant’s snout with your steak knife, you have very little chance at making it all the way to his tail (especially if he’s objecting to you hacking away at his snout with that steak knife!)
Member’s Update – November 12, 2021
Testing Sales Copy Can NEVER Equal Failure
People worry so much about looking stupid or making a mistake that they lose sight of the fact that our greatest victories often come from things going wrong.
(Or maybe not “going wrong,” but rather not going the way that we intended when we hoped for a perfect outcome from the very beginning.)