Weekly Update – July 6, 2022

A Note From Jim “Declare Your Independence Day” With July 4th behind us (Independence Day in the USA), I’m reflecting back on my own “independence” day in June of 2001. Let me tell you a quick story… It’s a story about the time I got fired over my cell phone on my way home from…

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The Sneaky Sales “Tie Down” of Feature – Benefit – Meaning

When I was in the furniture business, I learned from a real old school salesman named Buck Daniels. I actually dedicated my book to him along with my mom, my dad, my wife, and Russell Brunson.

Buck taught me a selling concept called “tie downs.” Tie downs are basically where, when you’re talking to somebody, as soon as whatever it is you’re selling meets one of their requirements, you tie them down to that feature.

Example: “So we can agree that this…

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Weekly Update – January 12, 2022

A Note From Jim The Top Mistake New (and Old) Entrepreneurs Make Here’s the Top Mistake new entrepreneurs and experienced entrepreneurs make all the time. It’s funny because you think as we grow, advance, and learn, we would stop making the same mistakes over and over again. But there’s one mistake that everyone seems to…

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