Why Just Building Your Tribe On Facebook Is Business Suicide

I want to talk to you about something I see going on right now in the business world that scares the crap out of me.

Virtually everybody thinks you should just use Facebook to build your tribe. In fact, when people talk about building your tribe, they almost always mean Facebook or any other type of social media.

One of the reasons why they love it so much is because it’s allegedly free. But I’m gonna tell you right now it is NOT free. In fact, this is one of the most expensive mistakes you could ever make in your business…

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Why Just Building Your Tribe On Facebook Is Business Suicide [video]

The fastest way to kill your business with Facebook… Virtually everybody thinks you should just use Facebook to build your tribe. This is one of the most expensive mistakes you could ever make in your business. They will sell your hard work and pay you nothing for it. How do you beat Facebook at their…

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Weekly Update – October 6, 2021

A Note From Jim The Great Facebook Outage of 2021 – The Day The Earth Stood Still So, it’s no secret that Facebook went down for a LONG time this past Monday. Posts were not posted… Likes were not liked… People lost their freaking minds because they couldn’t get pissed off about some political meme…

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Facebook Jail (Again) & Burnout Recovery Tips (part 2) – SCCMH [Podcast 107]

“Facebook Jail (Again) & Burnout Recovery Tips (part 2) – SCCMH [Podcast 107]”

Jim Edwards is fresh from vacation and free from Facebook Jail only to get sent back to the Pokey again. The recidivism rate is high in the world of Facebook Live videos. Hopefully Jim can find the straight and narrow path.

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Going Solo Media vs Relying on Social Media – SCCMH [Podcast 106]

“Going Solo Media vs Relying on Social Media – SCCMH [Podcast 106]”

Jim Edwards is fresh out of Facebook Jail due to a technological issue, not a content issue and he is here to discuss the power of being a SOLO MEDIA vs having to rely on social media. Did you know you can do a LIVE video / Q & A / Podcast from your own website and bypass all social media platforms? Check this out… What would you do if you were in Facebook Jail and had a scheduled paid webinar coming up?

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Free At Last… [video]

It’s been an entire week since we’ve had a Letting The Chickens Out With Jim… All because I was in jail… Facebook jail to be more precise. While in the clink I had time to reflect and learn some valuable lessons, while also formulating a plan on how to reclaim control of my business. Stew…

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