Jim’s Gem: Faith [video]

When a lot of people think of faith, they think of prayer and faith in God. But when other people think of faith, they think of just blind trust. When I think of faith, when it comes to my business is an absence of doubt. Or really banishing doubt that the things that I want…

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Gratitude and loyalty… [video]

In the world today I think there could be a little more gratitude and little more loyalty. What you think about expands. So, if you’re grateful for what you’ve got, you’ll get more. Being loyal to those who have helped you along the way sets you up for a good karma and others will be…

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In the end, this is all you’ve got… [video]

Everything you do can be hacked, copied or duplicated in many ways. Maybe sometimes it can even be done better, but THIS can never be hacked and might be the most important thing about your business / life.  Want to see more videos, free articles and my toolbox of goodies? Check it out here: https://jimedwardsmethod.com/…

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Today’s Theme Is Gratitude, Humility and Empathy

I’m sitting here in the Atlanta airport almost 24 hours into my journey home.

• I’ve slept on a floor.

• Lost my bags.

• Watched the doors close in my face for the last flight home.

• Given up in frustration over someone’s inability to make decaf coffee…

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