How To Leverage AI To Test and Make a LOT More Money in Your Marketing
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In 2003-2004 I launched a product called “How To Get Anything You Want.” It was a studio-quality audio CD I spent months putting together. I had a LOT riding on the launch of the product, not only in terms of money, but also my reputation and self-image.
So, launch day came and I sent out an email to my list announcing the brand-new program. 100 people came to the site… nobody bought. 200 people… 300 people… 400 people…
I was freaking out…
Does It Really Matter Anyway?
As adults, we find it very easy to keep busy. In fact, call up 10 friends and ask, “How’s it going? How have you been?” At least 1/2 will say something like: “Fine. Just busy.” “Busy as always.” “Going a million miles an hour.” … or some derivation on the theme. By the way, as…