Member’s Update – March 5, 2021
All About the Promise
People’s attention spans are shrinking.
The “feed” mentality is the norm now… online, people pay attention to what’s right in front of them and jettison everything else that comes before or after the current item in their feed.
Member’s Update – February 5, 2021
Own Your Audience
I did a bit of a mini-rant just before last week’s members-only webinar we did on Handout Secrets.
You can watch it if you missed it (see below in the next section)
Member’s Update – January 29, 2021
It’s All About the Promise
People’s attention spans are shrinking.
The “feed” mentality is the norm now… online, people pay attention to what’s right in front of them and jettison everything else that comes before or after the current item in their feed.
Responsibility vs. outsourcing… [video]
If you’re committing to make something happen, then it’s your responsibility… even if you’ve outsourced the task to someone else. When you outsourced that role you became the manager. Ultimately if they don’t deliver, the buck stops with you, not the person/company you outsourced the task to. If you’d like more tip, tricks and posts…
How to get people who sign up for your list to actually download and consume the lead magnet? [video]
There are actually two schools of thought when it comes to the lead magnet and whether or not you should even worry about whether they are consuming it or not. I like the middle ground, which is to take advantage of both ideas. Watch this short video to learn more. Want to be the first…