Weekly Update – January 31, 2018

A Note From Jim

A wise person once said, “Fail fast!”

That means you need to figure out if what you’re doing is gonna work or not as fast as you can.

If it works, you’ll keep doing it.

If it doesn’t work, you STOP as fast as you can.

No emotional baggage. No fear. No dragging crap out for weeks, months and years.


And, the key (at least for me) to this process of failing fast comes down to this 2 step process that always makes “failure = success!”

(And I’ll share the 2 steps with you in my new article below)


What Happened?

VIDEO: Last week I ran the Funnel Scripts Tips Show. In this episode I help a real Funnel Scripts user with his epiphany bridge angle.

Watch it here:



ARTICLE: I also wrote a quick 2-step article about how to turn any “failure” into instant success. And no. it’s not some “positive thinking” BS! This is THE strategy I use every day!

How To Make “Failure = Success”

What Now?

If you’re a member of my private membership group, The Jim Edwards Method Premium, don’t forget that we have Part 2 in our special webinar series, “How to Write Great Ads that Get Clicks” – TODAY! We’ll cover how to write and test your ads using my killer Q3 Formula.

The Jim Edwards Method Premium membership is now closed, but we’ll be opening the doors up again soon. So watch this space for how you can join early.

If you’re a member and haven’t done so already, register here:

TheJimEdwardsMethod Premium Dashboard


What Next?

A bit of R&R for Jim! I’ll be taking next week off (mostly). So we’ll be back with more goodies for you later in February.



It’s Wizard Wednesday!

Nothing gets sold without a sales message. The most effective way to get your message out is to use video. But creating money-making videos is easier said than done. Most people get stuck before they even get started.

But not you! We’ve got you covered. There’s a wizard for that!

Instantly create proven, money-making video sales letters and video scripts with the click of a mouse with the Instant Sales Video Scripts Wizard!

See what I mean here:


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