3 Sales Story Secrets You Need to Know!

All sales stories aren’t created equal. 

You probably know that using stories in your sales copy will increase your sales.

That’s true. 

Stories are the key to your sales copy success, but not just any story told in a haphazard way.

Do you want to learn how to adapt your stories to many different situations so that you can sell a whole lot more? 

Then read on and pay close attention to each of these three secrets that will work for you again and again.

Secret #1 – Stories Are Versatile!

People often limit the power of their stories by only using them in one way. For best results though, each story MUST serve many different purposes!

Each story is just a Swiss army knife. It can be used for a whole lot of different things.

  • It can be a spoon.
  • It can be a knife.
  • It can be a magnifying glass.

Best of all, you get to decide which way you want to use it.

The same goes for stories.

For example, if I were going to tell a story about having dinner with my friend Duke Clark on the Jim Boat 5, I could tell that story with one of at least two purposes:

  1. It could be all about networking!
  2. It could be a story about making friends for life.

But I get to choose how I want to use the story!

#2 Stories Are Elastic

You can vary the length of your story to fit the situation. 

It could depend on the channel you use to share the story with your audience, or for the action you want your audience to take as a result.

In an email teaser or article, you might share that story in a sentence or two.

In a Facebook Live, you might tell the same story in a 1 to 3 minute video!

And on a webinar, you can tell the same story in 5, 10, or 15 minutes.

You can expand or contract your stories as needed and use them in whatever situation you need. My advice is to make your story fit the time available, rather than making the story a certain length every time you use it.

#3 Stories Teach

The moral of the story is where you tell your audience the big takeaway, the big idea, the point you want them to get out of it.

You’ve got to MATCH the moral with your purpose in telling the story.

For example, if I wanted to stress networking (my purpose), using the same story above about Duke Clark, I would tell the story about the Jim Boat dinners and all the different people I’ve met. I’d close my story with something that would automatically link it with the power of networking. 

Something like this: 

“If you want to get the amazing results of networking like all these other Jim Boaters have done over the years, then you need to go check out TheJimBoat.com.”


Stories are the key to generating more sales in your business, no matter who you are or what you sell. And if you want to take your stories to the next level, follow these three tips:

  1. Look at stories as flexible tools you can use in your sales copy.
  2. Let the story fill the time needed (but don’t ramble!).
  3. Choose your purpose and tie your moral back to it at the end.

If you want more sales story SECRETS, make sure you join my Sales Copywriting And Content Marketing Hacks Facebook Group. It’s FREE, and I talk about topics like this almost every day.

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1 Comment

  • Adventago

    Reply Reply February 28, 2021

    I love how short and to the point your posts are Jim they;re super easy to read and consume

    Also, I remember Dan Lok saying “Facts tell stories sell”

    Which I thought was a very impactful quote

    Hope things are going well

    Have an amazing day from your find Adventago 🙂

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