Weekly Update – April 18, 2018

A Note From Jim

In a nutshell, sales copywriting is anything intended to persuade the right reader, viewer or listener to take a specific action. Online or offline, these actions typically include:

  • Clicking a link / Making an inquiry for more information;
  • Buying something online or through the mail;
  • Picking up the phone and dial a phone number;
  • Going to a physical location (such as a store);
  • Filling out a form to register for something.

Sales copy can include everything from 3-line newspaper ads to 40 page sales letters posted on the web with a 30-minute infomercial video, and just about anything in between.

So if you want to get good at sales copy, what you’re saying is you want to get good at enticing people to click links, fill out forms, and spend money… which is a very good thing to get good at!


What Happened?

If you want to learn how to write powerful sales messages to get more sales, then check out the latest article I wrote on the blog this week. I share a few under-the-radar methods to super-charge your skills and save you a TON of time!

You’ll see what I mean here:

How To Be A Copywriting Ninja By Next Week!


What Now?

The kick-butt 3-webinar series you don’t want to miss, starting TODAY at 1PM EDT!

“Copywriting Secrets” Master Class
The Insider’s Guide to Finding The Right Words That Make People Buy From You… No Matter What You Sell!

Get all the details and reserve your spot HERE:

Copywriting Secrets MasterClass

Here’s a quick, 3-minute video that explains what this is all about – and how just this one thing literally changed my life!


Don’t miss this breakthrough MasterClass that will finally show you how to put the power of Copywriting Secrets to work in YOUR business once and for all… no matter WHAT you sell or WHO you sell it to.

Get in on this here:

Copywriting Secrets MasterClass




Members helping members. That’s what happens when you’re part of a community like The Jim Edwards Method Premium.

In our private Facebook group you can ask questions and tap into the collective knowledge of your fellow online business owners. That’s what happened this past week in our members-only Facebook group when a new member asked about how to learn how to work with PowerPoint slides on a webinar. Seasoned member Rodney Durant responded almost immediately with a link to the exact members-only video needed to get results fast!

That’s just the top of the iceberg when it comes to the benefits of joining The Jim Edwards Method Premium!

TJEM Premium Membership – 72 Hour Special


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