Weekly Update – May 23, 2018

A Note From Jim If you want to sell more, set more causes in motion. Run more ads. Create more content. Send more emails. Create more value. You can’t do anything one time and expect consistent or extended results. If you want to sell more… do more! What Happened? You are more than technical problems…
5 Tips To Avoid Sounding Cheezy In Your Sales Copy
A lot of people who need to write sales copy worry about coming off as cheezy, kinda like a used car salesman. They confuse good selling with the cultural stereotypes that rank good selling along with slimeballs. So, let’s talk about five (5) ways you can avoid creating copy that makes people feel like they…
Should I Ever Go Negative In My Copywriting?
Going “negative” in your copywriting is something you must be aware of, but I think there are two ways that you can go negative. 😖😳🤬 One is a good way and one is a bad way. Let’s talk about the good way first. 👍👏🙌 The good way to go negative is to basically meet people…
Evergreen Products: Your Key To Long Term Success and Profits
If you create info-products like ebooks, books, cds, dvds and the like, let me ask you a question. Do you want to create new versions of those info-products all the time, or would you rather create them once and then “set it and forget it” for years, if not forever? I think I know the…
The Best, Fastest Content You Can Create
All of us need more content to use in our marketing. The problem is, most people’s content sucks! Why? Because they make the process difficult on themselves AND they don’t create content their customers and potential customers want to read. Creating content is easy. Creating GREAT content is also easy – IF you know the…
Writer’s Block: How To Get Rid Of It Permanently
“Writer’s block” represents one of the scariest things you can run into when trying to write anything! The effects can range from a 5-minute brain “fart” inconvenience to a multi-day (or month) grind that leaves you wondering why you ever thought you could write in the first place. I’ve learned a few things about writer’s…