Avatar – What is It and Where Are Yours – SCCMH [Podcast 194]

Podcast 194 – The Avatar – Your Target Audience (Do You Know Where They Are?) Jim Edwards podcast breaks down where can you find your avatar? Think, research, hunt and find them…

Here are the steps to find your avatar:

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Launching a Product Lessons Learned with Jim Edwards – SCCMH [Podcast 193]

Podcast 193 – Jim Edwards and Stew Smith discuss the recent business launch of https://www.CopyandContent.ai. See what all the fuss is about with AI being used in business – specifically the sale copywriting and content marketing business. This is one you do not want to miss.

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The Sales Copy & Content Revolution is here!

The Sales Copy & Content Revolution is here! Better Sales Copy! Better Content! Better Results! FAST! – https://copyandcontent.ai

We discussed everything from the Genies that get more done more in minutes than others can accomplish in hours… to actual user stories… to questions about everything from plagiarism and originality, to targeting and more.

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Using Article and Speech AI Genies to Make powerful Content – SCCMH [Podcast 191]

Podcast 191 – Jim Edwards and Stew Smith demonstrate using the https://www.CopyandContent.ai Genies to create useful content like Articles and Speeches. These are the EASY BUTTON – Make an acronym and let it flow. Easier to memorize without script for speaking and makes awesome bullet points for articles. Show Acronym Genie plugged into blog post genie or a different one.

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Using AI to research and create content with CopyandContent.AI – SCCMH [Podcast 190] 

Podcast 190 – Jim Edwards and Stew Smith discuss the times as they are changing but there are many foundational principles that will not change. Make sure you know the difference as emerging technologies prove to be a business / society disruptor.

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“AI Content Is Cheating!”… Or Is It?

I recently gave a presentation on AI at a major conference in Florida. Afterwards, an older gentleman with a very serious expression came up to me with a fairly confrontational comment.

He told me AI content wasn’t legit since it wasn’t written by a human.

He felt very strongly that content created by AI was cheating and inauthentic if he didn’t create it himself.

I asked him…

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Weekly Update – March 22, 2023

Jim’s Golden Nuggets Anatomy Of A Money-Making Email Teaser No matter what you sell… you’ll use email to help you sell it. Whether you’re following up with customers and subscribers or sending cold emails to potential prospects you found on the web, email will play a part. The structure of your email message is just…

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Here’s What Genies Can Do That Your AI Robot Or Chat Bot Can’t Touch!

Are you ready to take your business to the next level?

Are you wondering how AI can help you get there?

Look no further than our Genies!

Genies can do things dumb AI robots and chat bots simply can’t.

Here’s a list of all the things Genies can do that ChatGPT and other AI robots cannot!

With Genies, you can…

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How AI Can Help You Create Lead Magnets Instantly

AI is revolutionizing the way entrepreneurs just like you create sales copywriting and content.

With the right AI technology, you can get ALL the same advantages of outsourcing without waiting for a response or risking a flake out by someone on Fiverr or Upwork.

But how do you use AI to create leads? How can AI help you build your email list and build your sphere?

The #1 way is with better bribes (lead magnets) that make them give up their email address!

To that end, here’s a quick rundown of some of the ways AI can help you create lead magnets…

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What’s The Secret Sauce To My Success?

It’s February, are you still on track to meet your goals this year? Or has life already gotten in the way and put your goals on the fast track to failure?

Don’t worry, you’re not alone… And there’s still time to take a step back, breath, reorganize and still achieve your goals. Be it business related, health or wellness.

Here’s a real world example of how I get behind and have to walk through the steps above.

I had a meeting last week with a business partner who is collaborating on a project with me…

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