3 Simple Steps to Smashing Your Goals Every Time
It’s almost the end of March. The gloss has likely worn off those New Year’s resolutions. Hell, most people can’t even remember their resolutions at this point. Life is, plus or minus, pretty much back to the way it was December 31, 2022.
My question is: Is it enough?
If not, then here’s the solution – especially for those lofty business goals that may have been tossed to the wayside over the last couple of months.
What’s The Secret Sauce To My Success?
It’s February, are you still on track to meet your goals this year? Or has life already gotten in the way and put your goals on the fast track to failure?
Don’t worry, you’re not alone… And there’s still time to take a step back, breath, reorganize and still achieve your goals. Be it business related, health or wellness.
Here’s a real world example of how I get behind and have to walk through the steps above.
I had a meeting last week with a business partner who is collaborating on a project with me…
Rebuilding Regrouping for New Goals – SCCMH [Podcast 183]
Jim Edwards and Stew Smith discuss what you need to focus on when you have to rebuild, regroup after a disruption either natural / illness or man-made / technical issues. New Goals for new year are very similar to the new focus required.
Capstones and The Next Journey – SCCMH [Podcast 182]
JJim Edwards and Stew Smith discuss the types of Capstones we should set for ourselves and our business and how to create them.
I define Capstone as a goal that continuously resets itself for a higher standard or in a complete new direction depending on the situation.
Setting Goals For 2023: Is There a Right and Wrong Way? YES!
As we head into 2023, I’m feeling pretty excited about the prospects of the year ahead and wondering how we are already at the end of 2022.
As the saying goes, time flies when you’re having fun, it’s true, but now it’s time to set some achievable goals for the next year.
One of the things I’m most excited about is setting goals for next year with my team. With the right planning and determination, 2023 will be a year of…
Member’s Update – January 3, 2020
This Single Piece of Paper Will Make Your Dreams Come True This Year
If you want to reach your #1 outcome for this year, then pay very close attention to what I’m about to share with you about the humble 3×5 index card, a simple, effective and proven tool.
Essentially this small piece of paper simplifies your life…