Weekly Update – February 28, 2018

A Note From Jim

Far and away the fastest way for anyone (including you) to get instant credibility is to have your own book.

And, the #1 most important step in that process is picking the BEST TOPIC to not only reach your audience, but motivate them to BUY your book!

I’ve just published a new article “3 Secrets To Million Dollar Book Topics” which you can view in its entirety right here:

3 Secrets To Million Dollar Book Topics

It lays out EXACTLY how to figure out the best topic for your first (or next) book!



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“Create Your Own Unique, Non-Fiction Amazon Kindle Books  in 3 Hours Flat”


How to get your own unique, original Kindle books – along with Amazon Listing, Author Bio, Sales Page Copy and more – Created (in Under 3 Hours) WITHOUT sitting down to type a single word of it yourself.




What Happened?

One of the most critical ingredients to a successful online business is having a list. If you want to build a huge responsive list to rake in a lot of sale, then you’ll want to check out the article I posted last week on my blog.

Get 3 quick secrets you need to know:

3 Secrets To Build A Huge Responsive List That Work Like Magic


What’s Coming?

In March we will be doing a brand new class in The Jim Edwards Method Premium…

On that training we’ll be releasing a brand new wizard that is going to change the game for content creation forever! (Yep, forever! And I don’t say that lightly.)

Mark your calendar now!

DATE: Wednesday, March 14th
TIME: 1:00 PM Eastern Time

If you’re a TJEMP member, login and register here:

TheJimEdwardsMethod Premium Dashboard

AND you’ll want to watch your inbox if you’re not yet a part of The Jim Edwards Method Premium family, because we will be opening the doors to new members soon!

You heard it here first.

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