Who do you see yourself to be right now? [video]

I’ve been doing a lot of research on avatars lately and specifically on their identity. The identity they give themselves now and the identity they want to have in the future. The identity that our customer/avatar has about themselves right now is going to impact our ability to communicate and sell to them. What am…

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Member’s Update – March 19, 2021

People Buy On Emotion – Justify on Logic

You’ve heard that before… if not, you’ve heard it now.

People pull the trigger on any purchase, large or small, only if they get an emotionally charged reason (feeling) to do so.

You buy a sports car because it makes you FEEL young. You justify the purchase on the fact that you’ve “earned it” and you negotiated a great price.

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Member’s Update – March 5, 2021

All About the Promise

People’s attention spans are shrinking.

The “feed” mentality is the norm now… online, people pay attention to what’s right in front of them and jettison everything else that comes before or after the current item in their feed.

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Member’s Update – February 26, 2021

Play as Work

Play isn’t work… and work isn’t work if it’s play.

Life’s too short to do stuff you don’t like.

If you’re doing something you don’t like…

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Member’s Update – February 7, 2020

Mental Vapor Lock

It’s easy to get overwhelmed with EVERYTHING that has to get done.

We make big pictures of the crushing “to do” list… or worse, have no list written down and try to keep track of it all in our heads.

Add in a lack of time… a lack of sleep… and some financial pressure to the mix and you end up with what I call “Mental ‘Vapor Lock”!

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Member’s Update – January 31, 2020

Having A Well-Defined Avatar Puts You 10X Further Along Than The Competition

We all need to have a very clear picture of who our ideal customer is so we can sell, market, and connect to them faster and more effectively.

This means going way beyond superficial descriptions like

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Member’s Update – January 24, 2020

Did You Make This Huge Mistake with Your Sales Copy Too?

One of the biggest mistakes you can make is trying to sell to everyone.

When you try to sell to everyone you can’t make your sales message specific enough to move people emotionally.

You’ve heard the saying “People buy on emotion and justify on logic.”

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Member’s Update – January 18, 2020

You Just Never Know When…

I will never forget this day as long as I live.

I walked outside to put the chickens up and I found our rooster, Rufus, dead in the middle of the garden.

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