Evergreen Webinars: Do They Work… or are they BS?

Evergreen or not to Evergreen? That is the question!

When it comes to webinars the “holy grail” is to be able to take your webinar and turn it into an evergreen presentation that makes you money 24/7/365!

All the experts who sell webinar software admit that converting to evergreen is easy and won’t take hardly any time whatsoever.

Creating a webinar that works… that can be tough.

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People want what they can’t have… including bagels! [video]

Well, it’s just human nature to want what you can’t have. Now, you just need to work that into your sales copy to use it to your advantage… Join OFA Copy Hacks before it closes: www.ofacopyhacks.com PS – Have you heard of my amazing FREE Facebook group if you want to write better copy and…

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