Member’s Update – September 10, 2021
Getting Back On The Horse
One of the things that I’ve learned over the years is that life is a game of momentum.
When you have momentum, it’s easy to keep momentum. When you lose momentum, it’s hard to get it back.
For example. When you’re exercising every day, it’s easy to exercise every day.
But when something happens to knock you off, then it’s often hard to get back on because you think “ Oh, man, that’s gonna hurt, that’s gonna suck.”
Weekly Update – March 24, 2021
A Note From Jim “No man (or woman) is an island…” That’s a famous quote by the poet, John Donne, from the 17th century. It’s often used, and it means (at least to me) that you can only get so far on your own without help from others. “A fool thinks himself wise to trust…
Weekly Update – March 3, 2021
A Note From Jim When something suddenly happens to throw your plans out of whack, here’s what to do… Stuff happens to throw you off track all the time… weekly… daily… even hourly! We all get off track it’s a fact of life, but you don’t have to get sabotaged forever. Most people get off…