Sales Stories: Breakdown of Best Sales Stories and What Makes Them Effective – SCCMH [Podcast 152]

“Jim and Stew discuss (and ask for examples from the live audience) some of their best sales stories and why they worked: A sales story can develop from your identity or origin story into an effective piece of marketing, but you have to be careful and not let it box you into a business that cannot evolve from that story and continue to remain relevant and in front of your market…

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Member’s Update – November 5, 2021

“How A Secret Technique of a Starving College Kid From the 1980s Can Help You Make Repeat Online Sales Today”

Jim Edwards here with 3 tips to increase sales by bringing people back to buy over and over without having to spend your mortgage payment on Facebook ads.

Tip #1 – Give To Get: Keep In Touch On A Regular Basis

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Weekly Update – January 20, 2021

A Note From Jim Time, Tools and Skills + Vision 1992-1996: My first book took 4 years to write using a word processor. November 1997: My first website took 30 days, 3 books, and a whole lot of sleepless nights to get done. 1998: My first audio product cost me $300 to record in some…

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The #1 Story Formula You Can Use For Anything

The #1 Story Formula You Can Use For Anything

Have you ever heard a story that really got your attention and kept you totally captivated for anywhere from a couple of minutes to a couple of hours?

Have you ever read a book that you just couldn’t put down until you finished it?

Is there a movie you love, and you keep watching over and over again?

And have you ever heard a sales story so compelling…

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The Perfect Story-Telling Formula

The Perfect Story-Telling Formula

What’s the perfect formula for telling a sales story?

● Is it the hero’s journey?

● Is it conflict / resolution?

● Is it problem, agitate, solve?

Before we jump into this, I need to clarify something.

You shouldn’t concentrate your undivided attention on the plot.

The number one most important thing in your story is…

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The Hero’s Journey Wizard Walk-Through – SCCMH [Podcast 32]

“The Hero’s Journey Wizard Walk-Through”

Check out this podcast as Jim Edwards walks us through a new wizard he is creating / fine tuning on the Hero’s Journey with podcast partner Stew Smith!

This is a great way to make a video, blog post, email, or social media post to get people to understand more of who you are. The Hero’s Journey is inspirational and humanizes you to your audience and market of potential customers…

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