Bad Monday? Do This!

I’ve been doing Facebook Lives for quite some time now. And there is one MAJOR thing I’ve noticed! I’ve noticed that if I get off to a fast start on Monday, typically, the week tends to go really well. However, if I don’t get off to a fast start on Monday, then it seems like…

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The F word can make you rich… [video]

Which F word are we talking about? No… not THAT F word. This F word will make all the difference when it comes to accomplishing goals be it health, wealth or personal growth. Your reason why has a lot to do with this F word.  Want more tips, articles and valuable tools? Facebook •…

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Re-Creation [video]

Recreation or re-creation? After having one of the busiest weekends I’ve had in awhile (I didn’t do any business work), I noticed that I was more rested this morning when it was time to work… even though I didn’t rest all weekend. I’m realizing that when I’m idle (resting) my mind is still focused on…

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“But I don’t waaaaana do it…” [video]

Do you ever hear your inner toddler whining about something that needs to get done? That thing that you really don’t feel like doing and have been putting off… Here’s my solution to getting the task done and putting the inner toddler down for a nap.  Does copywriting cause your inner toddler to come out?…

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What’s Your Relationship With Monday?

I’ve always been a big fan of Monday. Here’s why. On Monday, no matter how bad last week was, whatever you did or didn’t get done, Monday is always a chance to start over. Every Monday I make a list of all the stuff I want to get done this week, and then just dive…

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