How To Sell A Lot More Of Whatever You Sell Without Morphing Into A Cheezy, Sleazy, Manipulative Salesman…

How To Sell A Lot More Of Whatever You Sell Without Morphing Into A Cheezy, Sleazy, Manipulative Salesman…

“Once upon a time, only certain people were in sales. Every day, these folks sold stuff, the rest of us did stuff, and everyone was happy. One day, the world began to change. More of us started working for ourselves-and because we were entrepreneurs, suddenly we became salespeople, too.”

– Daniel Pink…

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What’s Your Problem?

What’s Your Problem?

A little while ago, we had a rather sticky business problem to work on, which made me realize I subconsciously developed a process I consistently use for solving issues. If you’ve been looking for a framework to follow to fix problems in your business or figure something out, this is what I do…

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Here’s the smartest thing you can do right now…

What’s the smartest thing you can do right now?

I’ll tell you, but I need to preface this a bit first.

One of the biggest mistakes I see people make is thinking the goal is the result. For example, they think, “Make $1 million” is a goal.

It isn’t. It’s a result.

So what’s a goal?

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If You Want To Make Sales, You’ve Got To Make Enemies

“Does that mean we’re going to piss people off and make money?”

Yes. That’s exactly what it means. 

And what do I mean by “make enemies to make sales?” 

Let me explain it this way…

You’ve probably heard the phrase,

“People hate to be sold, but they love to buy.”

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