Member’s Update – January 10, 2020
What I’m Reading Now: Pitch Anything Book by Oren Klaff
In case you haven’t heard of it, “Pitch Anything” gives you the keys to understand the dynamics of what’s going on inside people’s brains on both sides of the pitching and selling equation so you can construct a pitch much more carefully and without confusing your ideal customer unnecessarily.
The Greatest Choice You’ll Ever Make
If you want to feel bad pick up a newspaper. If you want to feel really bad turn on cable news and watch for about 15 minutes. If you want to feel like it’s time to end it all and step out on the highway in front of the nearest speeding beer truck, go online to Google News and try to absorb all of the world’s headlines. It’s too easy to feel bad in today’s world.
But, it’s also easy to feel good if you have the right strategy and the right focus.
Become One With Your Vision of Success
A great deal has been written over the years telling us how to get what we want. Much of that material has proven very useful. However, while the processes described may have been clear to those writers, to me, something always seemed lacking… so it forced me to find the answers within myself.
Member’s Update – January 3, 2020
This Single Piece of Paper Will Make Your Dreams Come True This Year
If you want to reach your #1 outcome for this year, then pay very close attention to what I’m about to share with you about the humble 3×5 index card, a simple, effective and proven tool.
Essentially this small piece of paper simplifies your life…
Member’s Update – December 27, 2019
It’s Critical To Take a Break
We all have a battery inside us… or something like a battery.
I envision it as a combination of our physical energy, attention, creativity and overall “bandwidth” all rolled into one.
Member’s Update – December 14, 2019
Dig Your Well Before You’re Thirsty
I did a post this week about a guy named Christopher Vos who became a friend of mine over the last couple of years.
He became a part of my life in a very authentic way (not a stalker) by consistently adding value to my personal life and business.
Most people think there’s a magic button to have people endorse you, befriend you, or help you online… there isn’t.
Member’s Update – November 29, 2019
Promise Them Less Stress… They’ll Buy Like Crazy!
One of the main reasons people buy is to escape pain, either mental or physical pain.
Your Story Is Just As Important As The Product Or Service You Sell!
What story do you use to sell what you’re selling? When you sell anything (product, service, coaching, or high-end offer), people have questions, such as: Why are you selling this? Why are you qualified to sell this? Why did you decide to sell this? How did it come about? How was it created? Why was…
Pay attention to the parts that aren’t fun… That’s usually where the money is! [VIDEO]
I know I have to do all these things and so I’ve learned over the years to pay attention to the things that aren’t fun because the things that aren’t fun, are where the money is. Subscribe to our Sales Copywriting and Content Marketing Hacks podcast: Funnel Scripts Live Podcast: Join us on…