Weekly Update – June 10, 2020

A Note From Jim Most People Give Up Before… Most people give up before they ever get any real results. Why? A few reasons, not the least of which is unrealistic expectations about how long it should take to get the results they say they want. We live in a “microwave mentality” society that bombards…

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Weekly Update – June 4, 2020

A Note From Jim This is Better Than the Alternative You’ve heard the phrase KISS – Keep It Simple Sweetie You’ve heard it since you were a kid… you’ve heard it in business… you’ve heard it at school. It’s an okay phrase… but to me, it is a little too simple. Why? Why keep things…

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Are You Having A Motivational Crisis!

Are You Having A Motivational Crisis!

Let me ask you a few questions, friend. 

• Have you ever felt unmotivated?

• Have you ever not felt like doing something? 

• Have you ever felt as though you didn’t want to do anything because you just weren’t motivated?

Well, let me give you three ways to get more motivated in case you’re not… 

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Mini breaks… How to take a vacation (mental break) during Covid [video]

In the world right now you might think to yourself, hey, you know, I’m stuck at home… So why do I feel like I need a vacation? BUT, I can’t go because we can’t go anywhere. I’ve decided that I’m going to start taking mini breaks for my own mental health. Watch this short video…

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Are You TOO Content With Your Content? “It’s A Trap!!”

Are You TOO Content With Your Content? “It’s A Trap!”

Does this sound familiar?

You spend a couple of hours creating content in the morning and you’re excited because you made this cool video and you feel a sense of accomplishment.

Then you say to yourself, “I’m glad that’s over. Let me just post a link over on Facebook.”… 

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Weekly Update – May 27, 2020

A Note From Jim Focus On Strength – Outsource Weakness Many people spend a lifetime trying to overcome their weaknesses while ignoring or taking their strengths for granted. In other words, they struggle with the things they suck at, and neglect their God-given talents…. and they end up miserable. My mantra? Focus on your strengths…

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To heck with it! [video]

It’s easy to get caught up in over analyzing everything and getting NOTHING done. At some point, you have to say, to heck with it, I’m going to do something and take action. Once you’ve done something, learn from it, improve it and move forward. Have you gotten your hands on the FREE Hashtag Scraper?…

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Are You Cheating People And Are You Cheating Yourself?

Are You Cheating People And Are You Cheating Yourself?

Most of us who do stuff online are incredibly creative. 

We’re coaches, we’re authors, we’re software developers. 

We do all these things, and we define ourselves as that thing.

“I’m a coach.”… 

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Weekly Update – May 20, 2020

A Note From Jim Questions Matter The questions you ask yourself matter… more than you might think! How can I get this done? Why should I do this? Why does this always happen to me? Why can’t I get this done like everyone else? I’ve found that “how” questions often lead to great answers. Ex: How can…

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Today’s word is… [video]

Perseverance! Great works are performed not by strength, but by perseverance.  – Samuel Johnson Check out our podcast here: https://thejimedwardsmethod.com/podcast/ Join our Facebook group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/copywritingandcontenthacks Facebook • Instagram • Twitter • LinkedIn • Pinterest • Medium • Podcast

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